FST Umsida Conducts Work Visit to UMT, Follow-up to International Cooperation

Umsida Menyapa
3 min readAug 21, 2024


Pic by FST Umsida

Following up on a series of international cooperation programs, the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (FST Umsida) visited Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) on Wednesday, (14/08/2024).

During this visit, a work visit and sharing session program were held. This event is a collaboration between FST and the Faculty of Fisheries and Food Science UMT.

The purpose and objectives of the FST Umsida work visit

This work visit activity discusses the cooperation agenda that will be implemented by FST and FPSM.

The purpose of this visit is a strategic step that strengthens relations between institutions, opens opportunities for students and lecturers in research and academic activities so that good cooperation is established between the two parties.

Also read: FST Umsida Strengthens Cooperation with 5 Campuses in Malaysia

“This collaboration is the first step in the collaboration between Umsida and UMT. From this collaboration, it will also open up opportunities for student and staff exchange programs to further develop science and research developments,” said Iswanto ST MMT, dean of FST Umsida.

He hopes that with this collaboration, new innovations will emerge that provide benefits for academics and the community in general.

On the second day of FST Umsida’s visit to Malaysia, the delegates were welcomed by structural officials of the Faculty of Fisheries and Food Science (FPSM) led by the dean Prof. Ts Dr. Mohd Effendy Abd Wahid, as well as lecturers from FPSM.

The lecturers involved in this activity came from the food science, agrotechnology, aquaculture study programs, and involved master’s and doctoral students from Indonesia.

⁠The Dean of FPSM UMT said, “We really welcome this collaboration. Hopefully this collaboration will become a bridge and media for the exchange of students, lecturers, research, experience, and useful technological developments,”.

This activity was then continued with the signing of the Letter of Implementation (LOI). The agreed form of cooperation includes student exchange programs, visiting lectures, and webinar series conducted between departments, both offline and online.

However, the implementation of the closest and planned cooperation program is a guest lecture from both Umsida and UMT which is conducted online.

Pic by FST Umsida

The sharing session activity was continued with a presentation conducted by the Head of the Umsida Food Technology Study Program, Rahmah Utami Budiandari STPMP who presented material related to kombucha.

Kombucha is one of the research topics conducted in this study program. In her presentation, Rahmah Utami Budiandari STP MP explained that the kombucha studied was made from pineapple skin waste, while generally using black tea and green tea.

This research can be a bridge if continuing joint research with UMT related to the identification of phytochemical compounds and alkaloid and flavonoid compounds or other compounds.

The activity was closed with a presentation from Dr. Rudiyanto, one of the FPSM Lecturers with expertise in Agricultural Engineering who discussed the comparison of statistical data with research results.

Also read: Pay Attention to Immigrants in Malaysia, Umsida Creates a Humanitarian Project

With this activity, it is hoped that collaboration between FST Umsida and UMT can continue and provide significant contributions to the development of science, especially in the fields of food science and agrotechnology.

Source: Rahmah Utami Budiandari S TP MP

Editor: Romadhona S.

