The Rector of Umsida Warmly Welcomes the IMEI Team’s Return, This is His Message

Umsida Menyapa
4 min readJul 16, 2024


Doc PR Umsida

The rector of Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo (Umsida) welcomed the arrival of the Umsida IMEI team on Monday evening (15/07/2024) at Umsida Campus 1. They were students who won 1st place in the Shell Eco Marathon (SEMA) Asia Pacific and Middle East 2024 competition in Mandalika in the prototype category, electric battery sub-category.

Also read: Umsida IMEI Team Beats 30 World Campuses in International Competition

Apart from the chancellor, the 16 winners and their supervisor Indah Sulistyowati ST MT were also welcomed by several other Umsida leaders, such as the deputy chancellor 3, the dean and deputy dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), as well as the director of the Directorate of Student Affairs and Alumni (DKA) and the staff.

The reception was warm with several conversations included. Sahrul Romadhoni as deputy manager of the IMEI Umsida team when greeting Dr Hidayatulloh MSi said, “Alhamdulillah, this year we received the mandate to become first place thanks to consistency and teamwork so we can make our beloved campus proud,”.

The rector of Umsida, who welcomed them, conveyed several messages so that the champions would not be proud of their achievements.

“Welcome to this beloved campus. I represent Umsida, the Diktilitbang Council, and the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership to express my gratitude for the extraordinary achievements at the international level that this team has achieved which is truly very encouraging. Not only for Umsida, but also making PTMA and Muhammadiyah proud,” welcomed the Umsida’s rector.

All universities are the same

This achievement, he added, shows that students from the Electrical Engineering study program are no different from students from state universities and private universities.

It is known that this year the IMEI Umsida team was able to shift the position of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) which is currently in first place in the Shell Eco Marathon (SEMA) Asia Pacific and Middle East 2023. This year, UGM is in second place and is followed by Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta (UMY).

“I really remember welcoming the achievements of the IMEI team last year. Even though this is something we are very proud of, it turns out that what was achieved yesterday is not yet finished. After that the IMEI team worked harder until finally they were able to improve their position to first place,” he said in front of the IMEI champions.

Also read: Salute! 2020 IMEI Team General Chair Alumni Get Full Scholarship at ITS

IMEI team, don’t be arrogant

Doc PR Umsida

However, the Chancellor of Umsida does not want IMEI students to be arrogant or arrogant about this proud achievement. He hopes that students will not forget the help of Allah SWT. This achievement should be celebrated by maintaining team cohesion, both the one that exists now and the regenerated team of tomorrow. Because even though we work together with different people, the spirit that was built so strongly can be continued.

The deputy chairman of the East Java PWM quoted from the Koran, specifically from Surah Ash-Shaff verse 4:

اِنَّ اللّٰهَ يُحِبُّ الَّذِيْنَ يُقَاتِلُوْنَ فِيْ سَبِيْلِهٖ صَفًّا كَاَنَّهُمْ بُنْيَانٌ مَّرْصُوْصٌ


Indeed, Allah loves those who fight in His path in orderly rows, they are like a solid building.

From this verse, the Chancellor of Umsida concluded that the IMEI Umsida team had implemented the 5K leadership concept, namely solidarity as seen from the good cooperation of the IMEI Umsida team. Then the strength shown by the spirit of the IMEI team which initially won 3rd place, then 2nd place, and finally became 1st place this year.

“Why is this team strong? Because I see that each of them has given their best contribution to this competition. Then, you also maintain consistency because of your big contribution from start to finish. Everything brought by the IMEI team is a commitment that continues to be maintained and developed,” he said.

He also advised these students not to be arrogant, to continue acting like students whose job it is to study and practice. Because what has been achieved now can be positive energy not only for FST students, but also Umsida students and the general public.

Author: Romadhona S.

