Write a Python program that computes the circle area.

Humayan Al Rosid
3 min readJul 26, 2022
Circle Area Image

Area of a Circle

It is known that the area enclosed by a circle of radius r is given by πr². As you can see here, the Greek letter π represents the constant ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, which is approximately 3.14159.

Using the formula A = πr², where r is the radius, we can find the area of a circle. An area is measured in square units, such as meters, centimeters, inches, and so on.

Mathematical Form

In a later step, we will use Python to solve the area problem. In order to solve this problem, we will first discuss how it can be expressed mathematically.

Our circle must have a radius that can be any type of unit. A radius is a distance from center to a point on the circle’s boundary. Let the radius (r) is 5.

Circle Diameter Image
A Circle Diameter


So we have this,

π = 3.14159

r = 5

Based on this formula A = πr², we can calculate the area of a circle. Putting all values we get,

A = πr²

=> A = 3.14159 * (5 * 5)

=> A = 3.14159 * 25

=> A = 78.53982

In other words, the area of this circle is 78.53982. Now it’s time to solve this area problem using Python and it’s that simple.

Algorithm for this solution

1.Input the value of radius.

2. Compute with formula.

3. Print output.

Now, open an IDE or a code editor and setup your Python file. I named my Python file as circle_area.py

Just like above, first we need to accept the radius from a user. After getting the user input we store this input value to a variable called user_radius. But where is pi ?? Don’t afread, we need to import pi from the math Library. After importing math library, now we can use the pi value.

Python Code

Python Circle Area Code
Python Circle Area Code


Python Cirrcle Area Code Output
Python Cirrcle Area Code Output

You can copy my code from here

from math import pi
user_radius = eval(input(‘Enter radius: ’))
circle_area = pi * (user_radius ** 2)

print(f“The area of the circle is {circle_area}.”)

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Humayan Al Rosid

As a student, I study mathematics. It’s fun to code with Python for me.