Transform your digital strategy with artificial intelligence

Humayun Lodhi
3 min readJul 9, 2022


Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the capability of machines to perform tasks that would otherwise need human intelligence. This technology has taken the world by storm, with companies like Google, Amazon, and Apple spending billions on R&D in this area.

The AI is getting smarter each day as artificial neural networks are trained with large amounts of data which means that it can do more than play games or beat humans at chess. The big data combined with artificial intelligence promises to help companies derive insights never thought possible before, thus allowing them to engage better with their customers. However, organizations need to keep a tab on innovation and stay relevant using artificial intelligence as part of their digital strategy.

Companies today are focusing more on artificial intelligence, with organizations like Nvidia, Alibaba, Google, and Microsoft investing billions in it to stay relevant in the business world that AI is slowly taking over. Artificial intelligence has also been showing signs of impacting job markets.

With all that artificial intelligence has to offer, it’s hard not to want to include it in your digital strategy and reap its benefits. Artificial intelligence can help you with automating processes, understanding customer sentiment, predicting consumer behavior, and a lot more.

Understand what artificial intelligence is and what it can do for your business before you can even think about using artificial intelligence in your industry. You need to be aware of the different artificial intelligence flavors and how they can impact your business.

So how exactly do you go about incorporating artificial intelligence into your digital strategy? Here are a few tips:

Use artificial intelligence to automate processes: Whether you have a small business with limited resources or a big organization, artificial intelligence can come in handy for automating specific tasks that humans were earlier handling. Today, artificial intelligence is making its way into every sphere of the digital ecosystem, from finance to healthcare and retail, with artificial neural networks coming up with better means of solving problems that we thought were too complex for machines to handle on their own. These intelligent machines will be taking over low-level cognitive tasks that humans are currently doing.

Use artificial intelligence for understanding customer sentiment: Artificial intelligence can be used to understand customer sentiment and their needs with the help of natural language processing (NLP). This will, in turn, help you personalize your interactions with them, increasing the chances of conversion.

Use artificial intelligence to predict consumer behavior: By using artificial intelligence to analyze past data, including shopping history, browsing history, and other demographic information, businesses can get a better understanding of what consumers might buy in the future. AI helps companies stock up on inventory and market their products more targeted manner.

Integrate artificial intelligence into your website or app: This is one of the easiest ways to use artificial intelligence and get its benefits. All you need to do is make sure that the artificial intelligence platform you are using can be integrated with your website or app.

Use artificial intelligence for customer service: Artificial intelligence can be used to provide customer support through chatbots. These chatbots will help you automate the process of customer support, provide solutions to common problems, and even handle complaints. You can also use them to upsell and cross-sell products.

Train employees to use artificial intelligence: Even though artificial intelligence slowly takes over specific human tasks, it cannot completely replace humans. There will always be a need for human interaction, and businesses need to make sure that their employees are trained in using artificial intelligence to use it to its full potential.


Including artificial intelligence in your digital strategy can be a great way to boost your business. However, it is essential to understand artificial intelligence and its capabilities before starting using it. Once you have understood artificial intelligence, start by automating low-level tasks, understanding customer sentiment, predicting consumer behavior, and integrating artificial intelligence into your website or app. You can also use artificial intelligence for providing customer support through chatbots. Finally, make sure that you train your employees in using artificial intelligence so that they can fully take advantage of all that it has to offer.



Humayun Lodhi

A conscientious and professional experience related to Digital Marketing and Content Strategist.