Wingman Insurance Case Study

Humble Dot
2 min readAug 10, 2018


Ellie Feldman, Managing Director

Ellie Feldman

Managing Director at Wingman Insurance

"As a managing director, it’s crucial that I know everyone is aligned and focused on the right priorities. Humble Dot has been invaluable for that."

The Company

Wingman Insurance
7 employees
SaaS | Enterprise Software | Insurance Platform

The Team

All employees and functions of the company, distributed

Why Humble Dot?

With small companies, working as a team is exceptionally challenging since everyone is working on hundreds of things and each individual serves a different function. This challenge becomes heightened when the staff is distributed across multiple locations. As managing director, Ellie needs to know that everyone in the company is aligned and has all the tools each person needs to be successful.

Benefits from Humble Dot

  1. Increased efficiency Weekly team meetings decreased from 65 to 40 minutes (38% increase in efficiency). Blockers were also raised and tackled immediately.
  2. Alignment & accountability — Everyone knew what the others were responsible for and can hold each other accountable for completion or step in and help when someone needs an assist.
  3. Clearer communication — Members were able to concisely articulate what they were working on by writing it down in the platform. The in-person meetings became tighter with less rambling.
  4. Opportunity to prepare — With team members of different personality types, having a weekly check in ahead of our “all hands on” meeting allows everyone to collect thoughts, prepare and articulate progress, roadblocks, and successes with thoughtful intention in a more meaningful way that an in person meeting alone can achieve.

Why It Matters

In small companies, it is even more crucial that everyone is as efficient as possible and spending their time on the right priorities. Humble Dot has helped Wingman Insurance do that.

What is Humble Dot?

Humble Dot automates the work of keeping everyone on the same page while developing and engaging your team.

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Humble Dot

Save time and hassle by keeping your team in sync through automated, lightweight updates.