What’s the difference between a Product designer and a UI/UX designer ?

Humblejack 🎴
2 min readDec 24, 2022


Product designers and UI/UX designers both focus on creating innovative and effective designs for products and experiences, but they have different areas of focus and responsibilities.

Product designers are responsible for the overall design and functionality of a product. They work on a wide range of products, including physical products like consumer electronics and furniture, and digital products like software and websites. They consider factors such as usability, functionality, and aesthetics to create a cohesive and effective design. Product designers may also be involved in prototyping, testing, and refining their designs.

UI/UX designers, on the other hand, focus specifically on the user experience of a product. UI stands for “user interface,” and UX stands for “user experience.”

UI designers are responsible for creating the visual design and layout of a product, including the layout of pages, the appearance of buttons and other interactive elements, and the overall look and feel of the product.

UX designers focus on the overall experience of using a product, considering factors such as usability, accessibility, and the emotional response of users. They may also conduct user research and testing to gather feedback on their designs.

In short, product designers are responsible for the overall design of a product, while UI/UX designers focus on the design of the user interface and user experience. Both roles are important for creating effective and successful products, but they have different areas of focus and responsibilities.



Humblejack 🎴

I have developed a multi-faceted I.T Engineer & UI/UX Designer skillset which grants me a solid foundation to approach any design challenge I face.