Humble Ogbonna
6 min readJun 19, 2024


Author: Humble Ogbonna


The book, Being Born Different, focuses on an aspect of the society most commonly ignored by Africans; Prejudice towards those living with Albinism.

While most Africans are concerned with other matters, especially the perceived prejudice and hate toward black people by those of different colours, this book creates awareness on the subtle prejudice toward those living with albinism.

Already faced with the threat to life because of skin cancer due to the absence of melanin on their skin and the possibility of being visually impaired, people living with albinism in Africa are faced with more despicable acts towards them by fellow Africans.

In some parts of Africa, those living with albinism are hunted down by kindnappers and witchdoctors because it is believed that their body parts are good for rituals.

Others are subjected to name calling like 'Whitey,’ 'Unfortunate European,’ 'Snow White,’ 'Four-Eyed Grandma,’ 'Fake White Child,’ among others.

Some are teasingly asked if they poured bleach all over themselves. Such statements could affect the mental health of people living with albinism and could lead to depression.

Others are thrown into the evil forest at birth while others, especially the females, are subjected to sexual abuse because of the warped thinking that having sexual relations with people living with albinism cure AIDS.

One may think that the issues faced by people living with albinism are only present in rural areas, interestingly, some people living with albinism find it difficult securing jobs in big firms especially as front desk officers.

The book, Being Born Different, addresses these issues and more thereby creating awareness of the problems faced by those living with albinism.

The book uses simple words, clear grammar and relatable terms so that even those who are less educated can gain maximum benefits from reading the book just like the book, 'Things Fall Apart' written by Chinua Achebe.

African proverbs, idioms and songs are embedded in the book, thereby promoting the richness of African culture.

The tone and diction of the book is set in such a way that even children will be able to read, understand the message, and apply its values.


The book portrays two different settings; an African rural setting and an African urban setting. Using vivid imagery, the book helps the reader to visualize the scenery, thereby appreciating its visual prowess and meaning.


There are a number of reasons necessitating the publishing of this book. They are:

  1. For education purpose:

It is often said that learning ends only in the grave. I want this book to serve as a means of educating Africans, not just Nigerians, on this often neglected issue of prejudice toward those living with albinism.

'The pen,' they say, 'is mightier than the sword'. I want the written text in this book to change the mindset of many Africans and to stop the violence, hate and oppression that albinos in Africa face.

2. Visibility:

With the aid of this book, those living with albinism will find a voice and be able to speak out against the injustice and prejudice they are facing.

They will be more than willing to share this book to their friends and loved ones to help them see how they should be treated.

3. Fulfillment:

Another driving force for publishing this book is because if published, this book will be my first ever published book.

I want to experience that immeasurable feeling of holding one's book in one's hand. I can't imagine how it will feel. It definitely will be surreal.

And what better way to start my writing career than writing a book that addresses an important issue peculiar to my African brothers?


I am quite optimistic that publishing this book will be a viable venture because it appeals to a wide audience.

  1. Health Workers:

There are doctors, nurses, therapists and even counselors who work with people living with albinism. The book will take them into the day to day lives and realities of those living with albinism which will help these professionals serve their clients better.

2. NGO’s:

We have Non-Governmental Organizations which focus on those with health challenges and those usually prejudiced against. These organizations will appreciate books such as this one that address the issues of those living with albinism.

3. General Readers:

There is a growing demand for books that treat real human issues even in the form of fiction. This demand will make the book invaluable. As a result of this, libraries in schools and around Africa will demand for it and the content appeals to the general public.


Ewatomi faces prejudice as soon as she comes into the world. She is abandoned by her father, rejected by her community and scorned at by others even before she could learn how to talk. All these she experienced just because of the lack of melanin on her skin. Because she was born different.

She was subjected to mockery, name-calling, rejection and threat to her life as she grew even in the city.


I understand that writing isn't a walk in the park, especially writings that would demand a great deal of research in order to present certain facts. As a result, I have outlined a schedule that would help me reach my goal.

Writing Time:

Because I am usually busy with work and other activities during the week, I have dedicated my weekends (in the evenings) to writing.

Writing Venue:

Although I always move around with my notepad, book and pen incase I get inspiration by anything around me, I can write those thoughts down and when I get back home to begin writing, those thoughts that I have penned would prove useful.

So, my writing venue would be the comfort of my home, in the quiteness of the evening on my table.

Daily Target and Total World Count:

This book is expected to be a novella of about 30,000–40,000 word count. Since I intend writing every weekend, that would be about 1,000 words per week which should take me about 40 to 50 weeks to complete (this is because of unforeseen occurrences which may affect my writing in some weeks).

Writing Tools:

As a writer, I have been using a few writing tools that have been useful to me. These tools include apps and websites. They are

  1. Google Docs- This will be used for writing the texts of the story. Its easy to use template, spellcheckers and word count feature will be of great value to me.

2. Grammarly- This would be used to check the spelling and grammar mistakes in the book.

3. Quillbot- This would be used to paraphrase certain phrases and sentences if I feel that they are too lengthy or the meaning may be obscure.


I would prefer going the 'Indie Route', that is, Self-Publishing. I have come to understand that most publishers are focused on books that they think will be profitable to them and may not easily key into the idea of publishing a book that they feel won't do well.

Many self-publishing authors who were rejected by traditional publishers have gone ahead to be best sellers.

Since traditional publishers are more likely to strike deals with those under sci-fi genres or romantic genres, I feel publishing it myself will be more advantageous to me and to the aim of the book.

I will also ensure that I give the book enough publicity using my ever growing social media pages to promote the book by making many posts promoting the book, creating video content about issues raised in the book as a form of promotion, by featuring in blogs and magazines, collaborating with educational institutions, using paid ads and making use of pre-order campaigns.


'Being Born Different' promises to be a worthy read because it focuses on the real-life challenges that people living with albinism are facing, something that is commonly overlooked.

It appeals to human emotions as it talks about prejudice, love, betrayal, and success.


Humble Ogbonna is an experienced writer who through his short stories on different platforms have brought awareness about various issues to his audience.

He is a teacher of the English language and wants to use his knowledge of the language which is spoken as an official language or as a second language in most African countries to bring awareness about this important issue of prejudice toward those living with albinism and promoting social justice.

Humble Ogbonna

Writer || Diction Coach || English Language Teacher || Voice Actor