Five Randoms Acts of Kindness

3 min readMay 2, 2018


I did many acts of kindness on daily basis but today I focus on the most influential acts that have certain effects on team working and communication. Five of them are given below with examples:

1 → Smile whenever I interact with others:
Today I decided to give smile to everyone I am meeting or interacting and I am literally surprised by seeing the reaction of others. As we all know the effect of mirroring, which describes that whenever we smile to others they will also reflect that smile. As we know smiles are contagious so in this way even the person is your enemy he will be polite and the conversation will end in an awesome manner. According to my opinion this is the most essential tool of working in a group or team, because when you smile towards your team members they will be happily willing to work with you.


2 →Feeding cats with food and milk

feeding cats

In my hostel there are many cats wandering here and there and usually they do not find anything to eat. Today I decided to feed them with a little piece of bread and butter and also offer them milk. In that way I feel very excellent by helping the starved animals, and definitely this action is also related to team work, as if you care about your other team members they will definitely willing to work with you happily.

3 →Making breakfast for my roommates:
Today I made breakfast for my roommates and awake them. they become very happy and in return being kind for me. this situation is exactly same as feeding starved animals, and seeking love from their side.

Preparing breakfast

4 →Raising funds for Edhi’s foundation:
Today I did a very great act of kindness which made me contented and relived. I collected funds for Edhi’s foundation that is itself a great work of kindness and it also shows that how passionate we are for our work and also I have a good manner of communication that I could easily convince others for fund raising/ donations.

Fund collection

5 →Cleaning my room

and finally in the end I cleaned my room and this work reflect the idea that I am not only passionate about my work but also keep my environment clean.

So all these small acts of kindness make us feel contented and also reveal the idea that we have strong ability of team working and better communication.

