Sirin Lab Upcoming Project

3 min readDec 25, 2017


In a world that is highly dependent on technology , convenience and usability often come at the price of one’s personal data, and as we the world gravitates towards the adoption of the blockchain technology and the rise of cryptocurrencies , Security is a high priority.

According to Sirin Labs official website:

“SIRIN LABS’ vision is to become the world’s leader in secure open source consumer electronics, bridging the gap between the mass market and the blockchain economy”

In order to achieve this, they are developing FINNEY™, the first open-source blockchain smartphone and all-in-one PC.

SIRIN LABS’ plan is that all FINNEY devices, which will include the FINNEY Smartphone and the FINNEY PC, will operate on a unique operating system called SIRIN OS™ — this allows all the devices to connect to a separate and independent blockchain network and use features such as peer-to-peer ( P2P ) resource sharing and networking, a built-in crypto wallet and encrypted communication services, including messages and calls.

Additionally, SIRIN LABS’ Cyber Protection Suite will make sure all data are well encrypted by using the three-factor authentication, unwelcome prevention protocols and blockchain based data verification to prevent unauthorized alterations.

SIRIN LABS software which will run in all FINNEY™ devices will have permission to a very secure, decentralized app store that will be integrated with the peer-to-peer resource sharing system. SIRIN LABS will also be releasing a software development kit for the community in order to promote D-APP development..

SIRIN LABS token is known as SRN, this will be the operating currency of the FINNEY™ network . The SRN token will be the only acceptable means to buy the products and services offered by SIRIN LABS. Not satisfied with just creating their own ground breaking products, SIRIN LABS also plans to partner with household named electronics manufacturers and further the progress of FINNEY™ software platform and the SRN token to aid adoption.

To get investments to fund the manufacturing of these devices, Sirin Labs launched a crowd sale event in October which will run until December, contribution can be made through fiat money and the Bitcoin and Ethereum cryptocurrencies . All the money raised will support the development of FINNEY™, the first open source blockchain smartphone and all-in-one PC. The plans call for a lot of seamless blockchain buying and selling. Currently it looks like this might be facilitated by several different tokens, the SIRIN (SRN) and Status (STN) tokens, both of which are ERC-20 compatible, and later on the IOTA token.

SRN will be initially offered on the Ethereum blockchain followingthe successful completion of the ICO that will run from 12–25 December 2017. It can be used to buy the FINNEY and other products at a cheaper rate . However , once the product is ready for launch , SIRIN LABS plans to transition from Ethereum to the IOTA network.

SIRIN LABS is aiming to raise $25 million in its ICO to start the production of the phone. This seems achievable given that the Status ICO raised over $100 million within 24 hours.

In 2017 alone an estimated 8 million iPhone x were sold worldwide, many of them retails for over $1000 . Apple only had a 26% market share as of 2017. As long as the FINNEYs products lives up to its specifications and projection, then selling a few hundred thousand FINNEYs will not be aproblem. As of now, only SRN token holders will have permission to purchase these devices. Once fully produced , these devices have the potential to help clear the way for the eventual mainstream acceptance of blockchain and cryptocurrencies .

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