10 Things You Should Never Expect From Anyone

Life Uplift
7 min readJun 4, 2024


Image Taken From Pexel By george ketselashvili

It is in the best world where people agree with all that we say, perform all the actions that we want them to follow, and commit their resources to our issues as if it is the best thing they’ve ever done.

But let’s face it: They do not match up with what we expect them to be; real life is much more complicated.

That’s why it is essential not to overestimate the possibilities of mutual relations and to understand what one can and cannot expect from others.

The key is to be ready to work less strictly and not to be disappointed or frustrated when it turns out that things don’t work the way you expected.

Keeping that in mind, here are ten things you should never expect from any person:

Number 1 — To Agree with You On Everything

Sometimes in life we all want people to agree with us but to expect it 100 percent is going to create frustration and tension between you and people.

Cos’ if in its simplest form, people are individuals with their perspectives towards life, the world, and everything in it. Each of us has his or her way of perceiving reality, and what we consider to be perfectly reasonable and rational might not make any sense at all to someone else.

