Exploring LiveData in Android: Pros, Cons, and Practical Usage with Real Code Scenario

Muhammad Humza Khan
4 min readJun 3, 2023

In the realm of Android development, LiveData has emerged as a valuable tool for building reactive and data-driven applications. It provides a streamlined way to observe and react to data changes, ensuring smooth synchronization between data sources and UI components. In this article, we will delve into the world of LiveData, exploring its pros, cons, and practical usage in Android development through a real-life code scenario.

Understanding LiveData

LiveData is an observable data holder class introduced as part of the Android Architecture Components. It is specifically designed to hold and emit data, allowing UI components to observe and react to changes in real time. LiveData is integrated with the Android lifecycle, ensuring that updates are delivered only when the observing component is in an active state.

Pros of using LiveData:

Lifecycle awareness: LiveData is lifecycle-aware, meaning that it automatically handles observing and unobserving based on the lifecycle state of the component. This prevents memory leaks and avoids unnecessary updates.

Automatic UI updates: LiveData updates the UI automatically whenever the underlying data changes, eliminating the need for manual UI updates. This simplifies the development process and reduces boilerplate code.

Main thread safety: LiveData dispatches data updates on the main (UI) thread, making it safe to update UI components directly without worrying about thread synchronization.

Cons of using LiveData:

Limited data transformation: LiveData has limited capabilities for data transformation compared to other reactive programming libraries. Complex data transformations might require additional operators or combining LiveData with other libraries like RxJava or Kotlin Flow.

Android-specific: LiveData is tightly coupled to the Android framework, making it less portable for use in non-Android projects. If you plan to reuse your codebase outside of Android, LiveData might not be the ideal choice.

Practical Usage of LiveData in Android — Real Code Scenario:

Let’s consider a practical scenario where we have a weather application that fetches weather data from an API and displays it on the UI. We will demonstrate the usage of LiveData in this scenario.

Code Scenario:

a. Create a WeatherViewModel that holds a LiveData object representing the weather data:

class WeatherViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val weatherRepository = WeatherRepository()
private val _weatherLiveData = MutableLiveData<Weather>()
val weatherLiveData: LiveData<Weather>
get() = _weatherLiveData

fun fetchWeatherData() {
viewModelScope.launch {
val weatherData = weatherRepository.fetchWeather()

b. Observe the LiveData in the MainActivity to update the UI:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private lateinit var weatherViewModel: WeatherViewModel

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

weatherViewModel = ViewModelProvider(this).get(WeatherViewModel::class.java)
weatherViewModel.weatherLiveData.observe(this, Observer { weather ->
// Update UI with weather data
textViewTemperature.text = weather.temperature
textViewConditions.text = weather.conditions

// Fetch weather data

In this scenario, the WeatherViewModel fetches weather data asynchronously and updates the LiveData weatherLiveData with the fetched data using the postValue() method. The MainActivity observes the LiveData using the observe() function and updates the UI whenever new weather data is received.

Understanding the Difference between postValue() and setValue():

LiveData provides two methods to update the value of the LiveData object: postValue() and setValue(). The key difference between them lies in the thread on which the value is set.

  • postValue() is used when updating the LiveData from a background thread. It ensures that the value is set on the main (UI) thread. LiveData internally queues the value to be dispatched on the main thread, allowing for safe UI updates.
  • setValue() is used when updating the LiveData from the main (UI) thread. It directly sets the value synchronously, without the need for queuing. However, it should only be used when updating LiveData from the main thread to avoid threading issues.

By choosing the appropriate method (postValue() or setValue()) based on the thread from which you are updating the LiveData, you ensure thread safety and avoid potential race conditions.

Conclusion: LiveData is a powerful and widely adopted component in the Android Architecture Components. Its lifecycle awareness, automatic UI updates, and main thread safety make it an excellent choice for building reactive and data-driven Android applications. However, it’s important to consider its limitations, such as limited data transformation capabilities and platform-specific nature. By leveraging LiveData effectively, developers can create robust and responsive applications that seamlessly synchronize data changes with the UI. Understanding the difference between postValue() and setValue() enables developers to update LiveData safely from different threads, ensuring smooth data updates and a reliable user experience.



Muhammad Humza Khan

Mobile App Developer | Android | IOS | Java | Kotlin | Swift | Objective C