How Long Does Chicken Soup Last in the Fridge?

Hunan Chef - Timonium
10 min readSep 4, 2023


If you’re like me, you find comfort in a warm bowl of chicken soup on a cold winter night. But how long can it last in your fridge once the meal is made? We all know that food safety and proper storage are essential to avoiding food-borne illnesses, but does this apply to everyone’s favorite home remedy? Join us as we explore how long chicken soup will stay fresh after being cooked so you can enjoy it for days (or even weeks!) without worrying.

How Long Can You Safely Store Chicken Soup in the Fridge?

Chicken soup can be safely stored in the refrigerator for 3–4 days. It’s essential to place the soup in the fridge within two hours of cooking to slow the growth of any bacteria. If you cannot consume the soup within this timeframe, consider freezing it for more extended storage.

The “sniff test” isn’t reliable for determining whether the soup is still good. If you’re unsure, it’s better to err on caution and discard the soup. Consuming spoiled chicken soup can lead to foodborne illness, characterized by symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.

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How Long Can You Safely Store Chicken Soup in the Fridge?

How Long Can You Safely Store Chicken Soup in the Fridge?[/caption]

How Does Temperature Affect the Shelf Life of Chicken Soup?

The temperature of your refrigerator significantly affects the shelf life of chicken soup. The USDA recommends keeping your fridge at or below 40°F (4°C) to keep food safe. Bacteria overgrow between 40°F and 140°F, a range known as the “danger zone.”

Storing chicken soup at the right temperature slows bacterial growth, preserving the soup’s quality and safety for longer. Conversely, bacteria can multiply quickly if your fridge is too warm, causing the soup to spoil sooner.

It’s also important to cool the soup before storing it. Putting hot soup in the refrigerator can raise the overall temperature, potentially placing other foods in danger. To cool soup quickly, divide it into smaller, shallow containers or use an ice bath.

How to Properly Store Chicken Soup in the Refrigerator?

To properly store chicken soup in the refrigerator and maintain its quality, follow these steps:

  1. Cool It Quickly: Wait to let the soup sit at room temperature for over two hours after cooking. Cool it quickly to reduce the risk of bacterial growth. You can divide it into smaller portions or use an ice bath.
  2. Use Right Containers: Store the soup in airtight containers. This saves space in your fridge and helps maintain the soup’s quality by preventing exposure to air and other contaminants.
  3. Store at Correct Temperature: Ensure your refrigerator is set to 40°F (4°C) or below. This slows down the growth of bacteria and helps the soup last longer.
  4. Follow the Time Rule: Consume the refrigerated soup within 3–4 days. If you don’t plan to consume it within this time, consider freezing it for more extended storage.

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How to Properly Store Chicken Soup in the Refrigerator?

How to Properly Store Chicken Soup in the Refrigerator?[/caption]

How to Tell if Chicken Soup Has Gone Bad?

Determining if the chicken soup has spoiled involves using your senses and noting the time:

Smell: Spoiled chicken soup often has an unpleasant, sour, or off odor. If it smells different from when you first cooked it, it’s likely spoiled.

Look: Changes in color or mold presence are spoilage indicators. If your soup appears cloudy or has mold spots, it’s unsafe to eat.

Taste: Although it’s not recommended to taste soup if you suspect it’s spoiled, a change in flavor is another sign of spoilage. If it tastes off, discard it immediately.

Time: If the soup has been in the fridge for more than 3–4 days, it’s best to err on caution and throw it out.

How to Cool Chicken Soup Before Refrigerating?

To cool chicken soup before refrigerating, follow these steps:

  1. Divide into Smaller Portions: Large volumes of soup take longer to cool. Divide the soup into smaller, shallow containers to speed the cooling process.
  2. Use an Ice Bath: Place the soup pot in a larger container filled with Ice and water. Stir the soup occasionally to help it cool evenly.
  3. Add Ice as an Ingredient: If the soup recipe allows, add Ice directly to the soup to speed up cooling. Be aware this can dilute the flavor and consistency.
  4. Leave Room for Air Circulation: When storing in the fridge, ensure enough space around the containers for air to circulate. This helps the soup cool faster and more evenly.

Remember, the goal is to bring the temperature of the soup down to 40°F (4°C) or below as quickly as possible and definitely within two hours to minimize the risk of bacterial growth.

How Does the Ingredient Composition Affect the Shelf Life of Chicken Soup?

The ingredient composition of your chicken soup can affect its shelf life in the refrigerator.

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How Does the Ingredient Composition Affect the Shelf Life of Chicken Soup?

How Does the Ingredient Composition Affect the Shelf Life of Chicken Soup?[/caption]

Protein: Soups with a high protein content, like chicken, are more perishable. Bacteria can grow faster on these foods, so they don’t last as long as vegetable-only soups.

Acidity: Soups with acidic ingredients, such as tomatoes or citrus, may last a bit longer as acidity can inhibit some bacterial growth.

Dairy: If your chicken soup contains dairy products like cream or milk, it may spoil more quickly. Dairy products are highly perishable and can break faster than other ingredients.

Salt and Preservatives: Soups with higher salt content or preservatives may last a bit longer as both salt and preservatives can slow bacterial growth.

How to Extend the Shelf Life of Chicken Soup?

To extend the shelf life of chicken soup, you can follow these tips:

Proper Refrigeration: As mentioned before, ensure your soup is cooled quickly and stored in a refrigerator with a temperature of 40°F (4°C) or below.

Use Fresh Ingredients: The fresher the ingredients in your soup, the longer the soup will last.

Limit Openings: You introduce new bacteria Whenever you open the container to get soup. Try to limit the number of times you open the container of soup.

Freezing: If you don’t plan to consume the soup within three to four days, freeze it. This will significantly extend the soup’s shelf life.

How to Freeze Chicken Soup for Longer Shelf Life?

Freezing chicken soup is a great way to prolong its shelf life.

  1. Cool the Soup: As with refrigeration, ensure the soup is cooled quickly and thoroughly before freezing.
  2. Portion the Soup: Divide the soup into meal-sized pieces. This way, you can thaw and heat only what you need, reducing the risk of spoilage.
  3. Use Freezer-Safe Containers: Transfer the soup into freezer-safe containers or bags. Leave some space at the top, as the soup will expand when it freezes.
  4. Label and Date: Label each container or bag with the date. Properly stored, chicken soup can last 4–6 months in the freezer, but for best quality, consume it within 2–3 months.
  5. Thaw Safely: When ready to use the soup, thaw it in the refrigerator overnight or use the defrost function on your microwave. Once melted, reheat the soup thoroughly before consuming.

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How to Freeze Chicken Soup for Longer Shelf Life?

How to Freeze Chicken Soup for Longer Shelf Life?[/caption]

How to Safely Thaw and Reheat Frozen Chicken Soup?

Thawing and reheating chicken soup safely involves a few steps:

  1. Thaw in the Fridge: Move the frozen chicken soup from the freezer to the refrigerator and let it thaw overnight. It’s the safest method, but it requires some planning ahead.
  2. Thaw in Cold Water: If you’re in a hurry, place the sealed soup container in a bowl of cold water. Replace the water every 30 minutes until the soup is thawed.
  3. Microwave Thawing: If your soup is in a microwave-safe container, you can use the defrost function on your microwave to thaw the soup. Be sure to stir it occasionally for even melting.
  4. Reheating: Once the soup is thawed, reheat it on the stove over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until it simmers. If using a microwave, cover the soup periodically for even heating.

Ensure the soup reaches a temperature of 165°F (74°C) to kill any potential bacteria. Use a food thermometer to verify the temperature.

How Does Reheating Affect the Quality of Chicken Soup?

Reheating can affect the quality and taste of chicken soup, but if done correctly, these effects can be minimized.

Taste and Texture: Overheating can cause the flavors to become more muted and the chicken tougher. To prevent this, heat until the soup reaches a safe temperature of 165°F (74°C).

Nutrient Loss: Some loss of nutrients, particularly water-soluble vitamins, can occur with reheating. However, this is typically minimal and should not significantly affect the nutrient content of the soup.

Safety: From a safety perspective, ensuring the soup reaches a temperature of 165°F (74°C) during reheating is crucial. This helps to kill any potential bacteria and provides the soup is safe to eat.

How to Utilize Leftover Chicken Soup in Other Dishes?

Leftover chicken soup can be a versatile ingredient in a variety of dishes:

  • Chicken Pot Pie: Use the soup for a chicken pot pie filling. You should thicken it with a bit of flour or cornstarch first.
  • Rice Dishes: Use the soup to cook rice, giving the grains a flavorful boost. This works well for dishes like pilaf or risotto.
  • Pasta Sauce: Reduce the soup on the stove until it’s thick and concentrated, then use it for pasta sauce. Add some cream or cheese for extra richness.
  • Casserole: Mix the soup with cooked pasta or rice, top with cheese, and bake for a comforting stew.
  • Stir-fries: Use the soup as a base for a quick stir-fry sauce. Add some soy sauce, ginger, and garlic for an Asian twist.

Remember, always reheat the soup thoroughly before using it in other dishes.

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How to Utilize Leftover Chicken Soup in Other Dishes?

How to Utilize Leftover Chicken Soup in Other Dishes?[/caption]

How Does Proper Food Handling Impact the Shelf Life of Chicken Soup?

Proper food handling can significantly impact the shelf life of chicken soup:

Quick Cooling: Cooling the soup quickly after cooking slows down bacterial growth, extending the soup’s shelf life.

Proper Storage: Storing the soup in an airtight container keeps it safe from cross-contamination and helps maintain its quality.

Temperature Control: Keeping the refrigerator’s temperature at 40°F (4°C) or below inhibits bacterial growth, keeping the soup fresh for longer.

Handling Leftovers: Limit the number of times you open the soup container and avoid letting the soup sit at room temperature for long periods.

Reheat Properly: It’s crucial to reheat leftovers to a safe internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) to kill potential bacteria.

By following these techniques, you can ensure your chicken soup stays fresh and safe for as long as possible.


What are the main ingredients in a classic chicken soup?

The main ingredients in a classic chicken soup are chicken, vegetables (such as carrots, celery, and onions), herbs, spices, water or chicken broth, and often noodles or rice.

How long does it usually take to make homemade chicken soup?

Depending on the recipe, homemade chicken soup can take 1–2 hours. This includes time for prepping ingredients, cooking, and simmering to develop flavor.

What is the best type of chicken to use in chicken soup?

Most chicken soup recipes call for a whole chicken, thighs, or breasts. A whole chicken or thighs can provide more flavor due to the bones and skin.

Can I use a slow cooker to make chicken soup?

Yes, a slow cooker is an excellent tool for making chicken soup. It allows the ingredients to simmer together for an extended time, creating a richer flavor.

Is chicken soup good for a cold or flu?

While chicken soup isn’t a cure for the cold or flu, it can help soothe symptoms. The warm broth can help clear nasal congestion and create a soothing barrier for a sore throat.

How can I thicken my chicken soup?

Chicken soup can be thickened by adding flour or cornstarch and cold water, cooking and stirring until the soup thickens. Alternatively, you can blend some vegetables and return them to the soup.

Can I make chicken soup with leftover chicken?

Absolutely! Leftover chicken is an excellent base for chicken soup. Just ensure the chicken is heated thoroughly when the soup is being cooked.

How can I make a vegetarian version of chicken soup?

You can make a vegetarian “chicken” soup by using vegetable broth instead of chicken broth and substituting chicken with tofu or a plant-based chicken substitute.

How long can homemade chicken soup be stored in the refrigerator?

Homemade chicken soup can be stored in the fridge for three to four days.

How can I freeze chicken soup for a longer shelf life?

You can freeze chicken soup by cooling it quickly after cooking and transferring it into freezer-safe containers or bags. Properly stored, it can last 4–6 months in the freezer.

How does reheating affect the quality of chicken soup?

If done correctly, reheating should not significantly affect the quality of chicken soup. However, overheating can cause flavors to become muted and chicken to become more authoritarian.

What are some dishes I can make with leftover chicken soup?

Leftover chicken soup can be used in chicken pot pie, rice dishes, pasta sauces, casseroles, or stir-fries.

Can chicken soup be canned for a longer shelf life?

Yes, if you have the right equipment and follow the correct procedures for home canning, chicken soup can be canned for a longer shelf life.

Is it safe to eat chicken soup left out overnight?

No, eating chicken soup left out overnight is not safe. Bacteria can proliferate at room temperature, and consuming such soup can lead to foodborne illness. Always refrigerate leftover soup as soon as it cools down.



Hunan Chef - Timonium

Hunan Chef MD offers traditional and delicious tasting Chinese cuisine in Timonium, MD