OSINT Investigation: Who Is That Brazilian Bank?

1 min readApr 7, 2017


A Wired article this week caught my eye and I couldn’t resist investigating the subject of it. Andy Greenberg wrote about a presentation by Kaspersky that involved a large Brazilian bank that had its entire Internet infrastructure hijacked. Pretty gnarly stuff.

The only thing was, they didn’t name the bank.

They did, however, leave a number of clues about the size of the bank, the dates of the attack, and some other details that we can pick up and run with. So that’s what I did.

You can watch the video below that is unscripted, and largely unedited. It details how I move from the Wired article into hunting down the mystery bank.

Links and Tools Used:

Wired Article: https://www.wired.com/2017/04/hackers-hijacked-banks-entire-online-operation/

Hunchly: https://www.hunch.ly

VirusTotal: https://www.virustotal.com
Censys: https://www.censys.io
DomainTools (Paid): https://www.domaintools.com
Archive.org: https://www.archive.org

Special thanks to David Westcott for the SSL and Censys tips!

