Finding the Most Popular Personal Email on the PlanetWe spend lots of time working with our customers on support, user experience, and just general brainstorming. We often see all kinds of…Jan 31, 2019Jan 31, 2019
Vetting & Court Disclosure in Online InvestigationsI couldn’t help but notice this monstrous money laundering case in Canada that was tossed out because the Crown (Canadian prosecutors)…Jan 18, 2019Jan 18, 2019
How To Blow Your Online Cover With URL PreviewsURL previews are a nice feature found in most messaging applications. They allow you to paste a URL to a friend or colleague, and have a…Jan 3, 20192Jan 3, 20192
TenacityI get asked this question a lot: what is the biggest thing you look for in a good investigator?Sep 5, 2018Sep 5, 2018
The Unfriendly Friend RequestThere was a great article on Naked Security that described how a man was charged with possessing a firearm and ammunition after an…Jun 26, 2018Jun 26, 2018
Emojis in the Courtroom ☠️ 🔫 🤘A Hunchly customer had sent me this interesting interview where a professor, and a defense lawyer discuss the use of emojis in the…Jun 19, 2018Jun 19, 2018
Advanced Website Analysis for OSINTMany OSINT investigations are tied to using our bread and butter sites like Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc. I like to think that overall we…Jun 5, 20181Jun 5, 20181
Using Ghiro Image Forensics with HunchlyGhiro is an incredibly cool image forensics platform that allows multiple users to store and analyze thousands of images. Ghiro…May 29, 2018May 29, 2018
Jumping to OSINT ConclusionsWe all have done it. We find a Tweet, an IP address, or some other piece of information during an investigation, and we gleefully toss it…May 23, 2018May 23, 2018