Game developers in Asia voting Hillary Clinton

Hung Duong
2 min readApr 24, 2015

(Hanoi, April 20, 2015) Not long after Hillary Clinton kicked off her presidential campaign on multiple social media platforms, on the other side of the world, Higgs Valley, a team of game developers in Asia, is offering a helping hand.

“Everyday Americans need a champion.
I want to be that champion.”

Hillary’s announcement video to kick off the campaign. Source:

“We support Hillary Clinton, hoping her presidency will bring back the rebalance policy towards the Asia-Pacific region,” says Hung Duong, team leader. “In recent years, the U.S. foreign policy agenda has been preoccupied with crises in other regions, pushing Asia down in the priority queue. Hillary Clinton’s run for the White House brings Asians hope of greater international efforts in the maintenance of regional peace and security. Hillary Clinton set the foundation for the rebalance policy, so we count on her to revive it.” In 2011, the rebalance policy, originally branded the ‘pivot’ to Asia, was introduced by the then Madam Secretary Hillary Clinton, marking the U.S.’ strategic engagement in the region’s affairs.

Hung Duong and his partners developed a game called Soft Wings, in which players navigate a paper airplane through a sea of battleships and choppers. “There is no firing, no killing, no violence. The game starts with a little boy throwing a paper airplane that flies to the sea, over military vehicles. The airplane carries our wish for peace amid territorial and maritime disputes in Asia.”

“Unfortunately, we cannot donate directly to her campaign. But we will do our best to advocate for her by using the game to build a community of international supporters,” Hung Duong shares. In addition, to show good faith, 20% of Soft Wings’ turnover is donated to the non-profit Clinton Foundation. Higgs Valley is also working on a more personal gift to Hillary Clinton — a customized version of the game.

Soft Wings is available on all major stores including Windows Store, App Store, and Google Play.

Google Play :

App Store:

Windows Phone:

Hung Duong
Telephone: +84 985 40 20 86
To support Hillary Clinton, visit:

