5 Reasons Why you shouldn’t Underestimate Networking

3 min readJun 10, 2020


What is work networking?

Networking simply means putting effort into getting to know people sho can of help, nourishing the relationship, and turning them into meaningful connections. Such meaningful networking helps you develop your long term career prospects. It does not even require you to suddenly become an extrovert; becoming the most outgoing person to build an effective network.

Building a network takes years before it bears fruits. Start with one step at a time, start building relations people around you; for say school, workplace, social circles. Second, be a good listener and make note of crucial information that could be useful for you.

Rolling on Luck? Don’t be that guy!

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity,”

Seneca the Younger, a Roman Stoic philosopher.

Effective networking is the most powerful tool. Successful networking should be purposeful, reciprocal, and specific. It is a known fact that most of the good jobs never make it to the recruitment website or newspaper, they are filled by the closed connection through the word of mouth. This also makes networking imperative for successful career development.

Lets’s run over some facts before we take the blow.

According to LinkedIn reports:

80% of professionals consider professional networking to be important to career success.

35% of surveyed professionals say that a casual conversation on LinkedIn Messaging has led to a new opportunity.

61% of professionals agree that regular online interaction with their professional network can lead the way into possible job opportunities.


1. Networking can help you get hired and grow your career.

Work networking must become the intent of your career-related endeavors. A well-build career network must be in place for both; job search and career development. Since the work economy is highly volatile Since you must be well prepared beforehand by maintaining an active career network.

2. Helps you understand market opportunities for your industry

Meeting with new people is one way to broaden your awareness of relevant issues, new approaches, practices, and policies. It also helps you connect to potential employers, employees, clients, and contemplate on prospective markets. This gives you an upper hand when compared to other competitors. With this relevant knowledge, you can set or adjust your strategic direction and inspire others in your team to see beyond current practice. Finding out how other businesses under different industries get business helps you to generate creative solutions and perhaps adapt and adopt other people’s innovations to your own industry.

3. Playing along with the magic of WORD-OF-MOUTH recommendations

This is the most logical reason for networking. The more people in your network will bring in more recommendations. A successful career is often built on referrals.

4. Tap into a wider pool of talent

The wide network is key to a wider range of expertise and access to diverse skill sets. It is preferable to have such access both in personal and professional front. Being able to stand in different shoes is crucial to develop an unbiased and creative viewpoint.

In How to Build Your Network, Uzzi and Dunlap mentions that: ‘In a monumental 1998 study of innovations in science, art, and philosophy, sociologist Randall Collins of the University of Pennsylvania showed that breakthroughs from icons such as the seven sages of antiquity, Freud, Picasso, Watson and Crick, and Pythagoras, were the consequence of a particular type of personal network that prompted exceptional individual creativity.’

5. Increase the chance of finding a mentor

Through networking, being present at the right place and at the right time, you’ll meet a lot of successful professionals in your industry. If you’re still a fresher, getting mentoring by an industry professional will be a priceless gain. You must be persistent and confident while approaching a senior professional in your industry.

Conclusion: Networking matters!

Networking is the backbone of both career and business development. Meaningful networks provide access to the uncharted territory of unique information that remains unavailable in the public domain. It also gives access to unbiased and creative views and ideas — and ultimately, more power to you.

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