Kindness Is Humanity💞

Hunsha Imran
3 min readJul 24, 2020


Kindness Is another name of humanity to me. Kindness makes us human. Human beings are tend to be more at feeling things than animals, What’s the diffetrnce left if we stop feeling for others, to other human beings, or animals. Kindness is a gesture of humanity.

kindness never refers to do something on a vast level involving number of people. A little gesture or action of Love, care or sometimes pity it self can be a kindness. Just like

  • Smiling towards your fellows.
  • Sharing your food with needy.
  • Giving your chocolate to other child in the street.
  • Filling a bowl of water for a cat.
  • Putting the grains upstairs for birds.
  • Listening to somebody who feels lonely. Telling them that they are alright and every thing will be alright.
  • Guiding any one the right path or road.
  • Making any older cross the road.
  • Clearing the road with stones or banana peel.

All these little act of genorisity for being condoderate requires Strength, courage, heart full of love, and yes humanity.

Kindness is magic💫

Kindness Instantly fills heart with pleasures, smiles and joys.

Those shine in the eyes of child after getting chocolate or ice cream by some is unparallel beauty. Those little child with smiles are true reflection of life.

Most of our happiness Comes to us when we give others a reason to smile. Kindness is a magic that can’t be seen its only felt by heart and eyes.

Kindness is purposeless🤗

Give to give, not to receive! kindness is something that uh did and now its not worth remembering except the smile of someone, or pray that he made for uh with the whispering lips, or the respect that uh gain.

Never give anything in the name of kindness just to have something in return. It does not only eradicates the meaning of kindness also the beauty of one’s heart or soul. Your body do the act of kindness and your soul feels the pleasure. 😇

Kindness is peace 😇

Kindness gives peace to soul. When ever You are frustated or something a little of genoristy or something even small but impact full makes uh happy. This happiness is ultimate peace giving.

We all are created as a creature to love, care and considerate. So I pray may Allah Subhano Tallah Always keeps us Among the givers not the receivers. And our little act of kindness can bring happiness or at least a positive difference in once life. May Allah give us more strength, courage and heart to do best for his Creations. Ameen.

