SDC Week 4 — Stats Analysis

Week 4 is here, and we only have 1 week to go before playoffs! This will likely be the last post of this format so I’ve added a couple of surprises.

Hunter Thompson
19 min readNov 1, 2019

Before we get into breaking down the stats of this week, let's look at our predictions from last week.

GREEN means 3–0 win predicted for that team, BlUE means 2–1 win predicted for that team

Not looking much better than last week, however, there still were some surprising results (although somewhat due to roster issues and FF's).

Right Winning Team: 4
Fully Correct: 3

I got an identical prediction tally, however considering why some of these series went the way they did, it’s not too surprising. We had a 3–0 ff win for GUTS on day 1, as well as Steam Season getting fully steamed in their two sets, running very low point rosters.

Additionally, as we’ll get into later when we discuss the team “________” has been plagued with roster issues leading to their double 0–3 weekend.

Now, as most of you have been looking forward too, let's look at the team-wide stats.

Separated by Conference (Left, Suicide Kings. Right, One-Eyed Royals)

The league continues to even out as teams desperately try to make playoffs. Some previously top teams like KDA Players and Boosted as Chase are making a comeback, with KDA Players reclaiming their top spot in Offensive play. Whereas other previously bottom teams are making a run for it most notably Guts.

This late into the season, the stats aren’t going to change too much, just because each coming week has less impact overall (week 4’s stats only being 1/4 of the total). However, one very promising stat to note is ASC Lite finally reclaiming their #1 spot in objective control. Also placing #3 in vision, it’s great to see another bottom team trying to find their footing.

Separated by Conference (Left, Suicide Kings. Right, One-Eyed Royals)

Looking at the stacked teamwide stats it becomes that much more obvious how close the race is. Every single team can still make playoffs, with a max of only 3 wins separating the top teams from the bottom. There is still, however, an obvious power difference between the two conferences. One-Eyed Royals is extremely hard to predict, with every single team being above average overall. Whereas the 3 lower teams in Suicide Kings are all below average, and fighting for the second-place spot.

This is an interesting distinction to see as we exit the last day of out of conference play, this could have serious implication for playoffs. For example, if Club Bonobos end up getting second seed, it’s really up in the air over who would win between Steam Season and them. We could end up with a One-Eyed Royals stacked playoffs, or maybe Steam Season is more ahead than it seems because they saved points playing the opposite conference?

For my individual team breakdowns, I’m going to be also doing some “key player” mentions. It’s important to note that although the terms are the same, the stats going into key players are not identical to the team stats, so there is not a 1–1 correlation here. Some notable differences are the way laning is calculated has been changed to help supports still get a decent score.

For team-wide laning, we can look at XP differentials for example, but for players, this would lead to supports always looking like weak laners. Instead, we are looking at things like kills in the first 15 minutes, roams, and gold ext.

If you would like to look at any player individually, or are wondering why my graphics have changed slightly for the per player stats, I built a google web app for anyone to use comparing players to each other.


Steam Season had a rough week by their standards, losing both of their series 1–2. This can be seen by a slight drop in their stats pretty much across the board.

One thing to note is that they did spend cheaply this last weekend as they were playing less important games vs teams that are not real competition for first (one out of conference series, and one vs last-place team ASC Lite). Now let's take a look at how the titans of the Suicide Kings claimed their #1 spot with some key players.

Roles: Jungle, Support
Tier: 2
Points: 22
Overall Power: 72

Jwebb is the main jungle, and half of the teams star duo. He brings good shot-calling with Collegiate experience and a hyper-aggressive invading playstyle. Watch your back vs him, and also your camps.

Roles: Support,Bottom
Tier: 1
Points: 30
Overall Power: 67

Mario is the most expensive player in the league, and by far the most feared player in the league. He gets the most fantasy points, he plays incredibly consistently and seemingly never makes mistakes. When he is in the game you can FEEL his pressure no matter where you are.

Roles: Jungle,Bottom
Tier: 2
Points: 18
Overall Power: 59

Kind of like Jwebb in playstyle, Russ is going to get up in your face. He is one of the flashiest junglers in the league and will try to go for the hard outplay. He doesn’t quite bring the same level of consistency and late-game shot-calling, but he will blow over you if you can’t keep up.

ASC Hermy
Roles: Toplane,Support
Tier: 1
Points: 22
Overall Power: 57

Team captain, and starting toplaner Hermy has always been a rock. He has the laning prowess to blow over lower-tier tops but prefers a more midgame focussed heavy roam playstyle. He will gladly sacrifice lane in order to help his team get the W. Where was my MIA? Why is Rumble in my lane?

Roles: Midlane,Bottom
Tier: 3
Points: 16
Overall Power: 55

Joshey is one of the best tier 3’s in the league for the performances he puts out. If he gets his patented AP Gragas mid he can outlane tier 1’s (even make them go 0/7/0 in lane!). He is also a great flex player, putting out good stats bottom lane when his mid pool is pinched. He just has to be careful about playing too aggressive mid-late game as his vision and defensive play aren’t quite there yet.


UwU club had an interesting week. Although technically they went 3–3, they actually FF’d 3 games and won all 3 they played. As long as their current roster issues don’t kill their chances, when they play they are looking way better than before.

They have transitioned into a heavy micro, offensive, strong laning team. They will try and out big brain draft you, then run you over with better mechanical play. Be ready for that lvl 3 support roam top, and hope you can withstand the fire when playing against this team. Tied for second right now, they are the current favourites to make second in playoffs.

Darbu did 911
Roles: Support,Bottom
Tier: 3
Points: 17
Overall Power: 58

Picking up Darbu in an early trade from Guts was probably the best thing to happen to this team. He is probably their most well-rounded player, keeping the rest of the “apes” inline (so I’ve been told). But he also has the potential to pull out basically any champion in the support position and draw required Shen and Poppy bans every game. He is a hyper roaming support, who helps get them wins right from ban phase.

Wet for Senpai
Roles: FILL
Tier: 1
Points: 23
Overall Power: 56

Wet for Senpai can be considered the king of the apes on this team. He plays incredibly aggressive and may need his teammates to “hold him back” sometimes. But he is a massive mechanical threat in at least 3 different roles, so try not to let him style on you.

uwu Yetzu
Roles: Bottom, Support
Tier: 3
Points: 16
Overall Power: 54

Yetzu is kind of smurfing, he is tier 3 with tier 1 hands. The problem is, he also has a tier 4 brain. He is an incredible farmer, and laner if he gets his certain high skill champions. He will ALWAYS go for the outplay, he doesn’t care how fed you are, or how many of you there are. His goal is to tilt you, and he doesn’t care if his team gets caught in the crossfire.

Roles: Toplane, Jungle
Tier: 2
Points: 21
Overall Power: 50

When asked to describe HiTommy, most people would say he’s “screaming, and running at the enemy toplaner”. Tommy is your typical low elo chad toplaner, but he’s actually good at the game. Respect the crock, or he’ll give you the cock.

Roles: Midlane, Bottom
Tier: 1
Points: 19
Overall Power: 49

Edwind is probably the best assassin player in the league. Picking up multiple wins with his zed, his highly mobile aggressive playstyle works well with the other starters on the team.


ASC managed to hold on to their playoff hopes this week. Improving in every single category, they are trying to show that they deserve to make it.

They have reclaimed their position of being a well-coached, objective and vision focused team. They need to pull an upset against UwU Club in order to make playoffs. This is an interesting matchup as their two playstyles are basically complete opposites.

Roles: Midlane, Jungle
Tier: 1
Points: 25
Overall Power: 65

Fancy is a complete powerhouse for this team. He pulls off massive high kill games on hard carry AD mids. He is also a solid win condition late game with good objective control and farming. If he’s in the game, you can bet the enemy team is focusing on how to deal with him.

Roles: Midlane, Bottom
Tier: 3
Points: 17
Overall Power: 58

The other star of ASC Lite is also a midlaner. He has a very different playstyle, focusing on high damage poke mages such as Xerath. He doesn’t look for the same hyper-aggressive plays as Fancy but instead tries to bleed out the enemy team with better farming and punishing all mistakes.

Roles: Toplane, Midlane
Tier: 2
Points: 19
Overall Power: 47

Mahar is not what I would call a “consistent” performer for the team. He has a split push playstyle that focuses on punishing weak enemy tops and forces the enemy team into hard choices. He struggles to find his footing if laning phase goes awry, but can be a serious headache if left unattended.

ASC Laxin
Roles: Support, Bottom
Tier: 1
Points: 24
Overall Power: 46

The starting support, and best defensive player on the team, Laxin looks to cover for his team's weaknesses to stall out games. He plays a vision-based, pick playstyle, prioritizing champs like Morgana and Swain who punish unlucky face checkers. He doesn’t look to hard carry many games, but he works hard to punish teams playing too aggressive.

Gimpy Longbottom
Roles: FILL
Tier: 3
Points: 15
Overall Power: 45

Gimpy is pretty much the ideal low tier FILL player. His stats almost look like a circle, with no clear weaknesses, he can adapt to almost any playstyle. This also comes with the obvious downside of having no clear strength, but he is a much-needed support for his team.


Last week looked so very hopeful, but the rug got pulled out from under their feet this week. Although they are technically still in playoff contention, after a rough 0–6 week, I’m not sure who on the team still wants to play.

If they decide to play out the rest of the season they could make a run for it, but if they don’t have enough players there’s nothing they can do.

Roles: Toplane, Midlane
Tier: 2
Points: 19
Overall Power: 54

Late-game powerhouse, and effective laner, Eltriuqs was everything they needed in their massive win streak earlier in the season. He is someone you can easily rely on in team fights, and someone you don’t need to worry about even vs higher rated players.

Roles: Midlane, Bottom
Tier: 1
Points: 25
Overall Power: 49

The puppet master, Rieve is a little more than a vice, a little less than a captain. He has a must ban champ with his Zillean, and is also a very competent ADC, and one of the best Ezreals in the league. If he can keep his mental in check, he can be a strong player for the team.

Roles: Midlane, Support
Tier: 1
Points: 22
Overall Power: 49

Could probably beat bacon boy in a 1v1. Katarina player.

Roles: Jungle, Support
Tier: 2
Points: 19
Overall Power: 48

This player has played his minimum games. There is nothing wrong here. He tried his hardest to win every single game. He has a great relationship with his captain.

Roles: Support, Bottom
Tier: 2
Points: 17
Overall Power: 47

For some reason, her synergy with Rieve dropped off after the beginning of the season. Otherwise, a very solid starting support with an all-around playstyle.


Guts are an odd team, they have no tier 4’s who can actually play games. This means they have to FF games in order to stop themselves from going over points. They technically went undefeated this week, if you don’t count their FF game.

Technically they can still make playoffs, but they require Bonobos to win every game against the 2nd place teams, and they must win every game they don’t have to FF. It’s technically possible, but one thing’s for sure, they are gonna make some teams PISSED this weekend with their massive 100 point rosters.

Roles: Midlane, Toplane
Tier: 1
Points: 27
Overall Power: 60

The best laner in the league, team captain Nukes is a HUGE part of the sudden resurgence of guts. His playstyle works well with their huge point rosters by helping them snowball and close off of lane leads.

EXA Johnny
Roles: Jungle, Support
Tier: 1
Points: 23
Overall Power: 55

Johnny isn’t the strongest mechanical jungler in the league, but he has strong objective control, and solid offensive early gameplays. He is the guy pinging all the objectives while his team chases kills.

DH Sticky
Roles: Bottom, Midlane
Tier: 2
Points: 21
Overall Power: 54

Doesn’t have as strong laning as some other members of the team, but has solid damage and farming. Which in all honesty if you're picking up an ADC that’s all you can ask for. Keep in mind their starting support wasn’t here for the first few weeks so that could have impacted his laning stats.

Roles: Midlane, Jungle
Tier: 3
Points: 14
Overall Power: 52

Nukes told me this guy is SMURFING in tier 3. His above-average laning and objective play help his team close out games early. As well, his great Economic play means he’s likely to get ahead in gold midgame even if he doesn’t crush laning phase.

A Walking Ward
Roles: Support, Midlane
Tier: 2
Points: 21
Overall Power: 48

Late to join the league, ward came in as a fresh breath of air for the team. He does wonders for shoring up what used to be a poor defensive team with a vision focused controlled playstyle. Just unfortunate he’s playing a role with zero impact on the game (Bacon Boy Circa 2019).


While many teams are surging this last week, Bonobos had a bit of a falling off. Previously they were the #1 dominant team in One-Eyed Royals, but now they are only 1 game ahead of Boosted as Chase and KDA Players.

This does not mean, however, that they are not a strong contender for the first seed. They are still an incredibly well-rounded team with no clear weaknesses, and great defensive play. They play both of their strongest competition this weekend, so as long as they beat 1, they are in.

Roles: Bottom, Toplane
Tier: 3
Points: 16
Overall Power: 73

Anyone who was here last season would have said he was “nothing special”, but boy did he have something to prove. He is the #1 highest power rated player in the league, topping the charts in objective play, economy, and offensive play. So he makes a lot of money, does a lot of damage, and uses that to secure a lot of objectives. The ideal ADC, and the man to beat in the role right now.

Jungie Monkey
Roles: Jungle, Toplane
Tier: 2
Points: 18
Overall Power: 57

If you need a man who will get shit started, this is the guy. The initiating machine, Jungie Monkey has a solid early presence, and great offensive plays, getting involved in everything he can. He has a slightly low defensive score, but due to his role in the team that’s to be expected.

Roles: FILL
Tier: 1
Points: 23
Overall Power: 55

The most annoying man on the planet to play against. Team captain Ewok brings a large champion pool, and certain must ban or tilt champions to the table. His ability to Flex to almost any lane makes him extremely hard to draft vs, and his solid laning can shut down almost any player.

The Ramoose
Roles: Jungle, Support
Tier: 2
Points: 22
Overall Power: 54

A solid supportive style jungler, Ramoose aims to help his laners play the game they want. Although he’s not quite as strong of an aggressive jungler as Jungie Monkey, he is able to play both agro and defensive playstyles.

Roles: Midlane, Toplane
Tier: 3
Points: 16
Overall Power: 53

Solid carry midlaner, Shredman isn’t afraid to pick scaling and try to team fight you late-game. If you’ve looked in the SDC clips channel I’m sure you’ve seen a clip or two of him popping off in late game 1v2’s or 1v3's.


KDA players finally broke their 50% win ratio this week, gaining two 2–1 wins. Most importantly a win against now tied team Boosted as Chase. They have improved in every category this week besides laning, which they have continued to falter in.

This doesn’t seem to have shaken them as they have transitioned playstyles. They used to be a win lane or lose game team. But now are an aggressive midgame focused team who can close out games even with a laning deficit. They have an important match vs Bonobos this week which could possibly determine first seed depending on how Saturday goes.

Roles: Midlane, Bottom
Tier: 1
Points: 24
Overall Power: 62

The only real T1 player on the team since AFV left, GrayFawx has been putting up numbers like he’s playing for two. If you let him get any lane advantage, he will run away with the game, having put up multiple massive KDA games. He is a huge driving force of their offensive playstyle and plays to kill champions, and make money.

ASC Demon
Roles: Bottom, Toplane
Tier: 2
Points: 24
Overall Power: 62

One of the highest power ADC’s in the league, he is the late game threat for KDA Players. He has above average laning, but even in games he doesn’t get ahead he can farm back in, and look for aggressive objective plays to snowball games. Never count him out, as he’s always looking for a way back into the game.

Fug Nuggler
Roles: FILL
Tier: 2
Points: 20
Overall Power: 58

Fug plays very similarly to fellow captain Ewok. Pulling bans with certainly hated picks, and being able to flex to at least 3 different lanes. He doesn’t play quite as aggressive as some members on the team but is probably the most well-rounded player, with rare bad games. Not likely to be the guy who solo carried the game, but pretty likely to be the guy that pissed you off.

Roles: Jungle, Bottom
Tier: 3
Points: 16
Overall Power: 53

Another hyper-aggressive player is Bulletz. He has shown to be able to competently play both roles Jungle and Bottom, and he likes to click enemy champions. Regardless of what role he’s playing, you know he’s going in, and he’s trying to pop off every fight. He might not be super macro-oriented but you win the game if the enemies dead right?

Roles: FILL
Tier: 3
Points: 19
Overall Power: 50

KinkyKat is an interesting Fill player, where most others are Top/Jng/Mid players, he primarily plays Sup/Bot/Jng. He brings interesting uncommon picks to the table that some teams struggle against, and has a very well rounded playstyle. He likes to be the guy to set up the other more aggressive players to do their thing right.


Recovering from a bad week, Boosted as Chase is looking to return to form just in time for playoffs.

They were originally known as a very solid all-around team, and are now moving back towards that playstyle. Their only problem now is that they struggle to find plays with poor aggression. This was shown in their 1–2 loss to KDA players where both teams ran high point rosters.

With an incredibly close race for playoffs this weekend, they need to continue last weeks performance and improve on it to try and beat Ewok this Saturday.

Roles: Support, Midlane
Tier: 2
Points: 19
Overall Power: 59

Taktikz is a prime example of the playstyle that gets this team wins. Great vision control and defensive play, with solid laning and objective control. Taktikz takes things slowly and makes sure the team is always making the safe choice, and not overextending.

ASC Diamond
Roles: Toplane, Bottom
Tier: 1
Points: 24
Overall Power: 58

Diamond is one of the two main carry threats I hear most people mention when they think of this team. His laning and defensive play may be only average, but he outperforms opponents in Economy and forces objectives for his team. He is able to play a variety of high skill, strong split pushing champions, and is a fear for most tops and ADCs to lane against.

Roles: Midlane, Bottom
Tier: 1
Points: 24
Overall Power: 56

The more flashy player of the carry duo, Natsuki is a lethal assassin player midlane, as well as a strong flex ADC. He has been known to force several midlane bans only to flex to ADC and still carry the game. He also plays a strong split push playstyle that compliments Diamond, splitting up the enemy team and allowing him to pick them off one at a time.

Roles: Midlane, Support
Tier: 2
Points: 19
Overall Power: 55

She almost solo killed fancy italian one time in a scrim, need I say more?

Real talk, she is a lethal mage support player, who can carry games with champions like Velcoz regardless of how her ADC is doing. As well, she’s also one of the best mids in the league. She doesn’t play as flashy as Natsuki but instead goes for a safer more poke/scaling oriented playstyle.

Roles: Toplane, Bottom
Tier: 3
Points: 16
Overall Power: 51

TRYNDAMERE PLAYER OH GOD WHY. Also, this guy solo killed Fug, who solo killed Diamond, so he is the best top on his team. That’s just simple math. If you want a guy who can play a safe tank lane or a hard carry split pusher, he is a very solid tier 3 option.

Holy cow, I’m finally done the player writeups!

Let's move on to my predictions for next week and the implications for playoffs.

GREEN means 3–0 win predicted for that team, BlUE means 2–1 win predicted for that team

According to this prediction, the playoff seeds would be:

Suicide Kings 1: Steam Season
Suicide Kings 2: UwU Club
One-Eyed Royals 1: Club Bonobos
One-Eyed Royals 2: KDA Players/Boosted as Chase (tied)

In the case of a tie, since both teams have the same head to head, it would be up to who spent more points on their rosters, which we will have to wait to find out.

Hope you enjoyed, this week took a LOT of work so it is later than usual. I’ll be doing a special post of the playoff teams after this weekend so see you then!



Hunter Thompson

Computer Science graduate, interests in API, statistics, and custom plugins for google suite.