5 keto hacks: how to stay keto on the road, on the run, or out of time.

Hunter Foxx
5 min readJun 6, 2019
Guess what I didn’t eat?

Listen to the podcast (also available on iTunes — chuckingrocks), or watch on YouTube.

Anyone who’s done the ketogenic diet knows that most of the food available to us is shit — carbs, processed sugar, loads of preservatives and other nasty things. Seriously, there’s a reason people get fat, and a big reason is because they bring and/or eat the carby, sugary foods everyone decides to bring to work.

So, in the spirit of helping my ketogenic brothers and sisters, here are some hacks you can use to eat well and stay keto:

1) Keep snacks on hand

Hard boiled eggs, nuts, beef jerky, etc. It’s super key to have a stash of snacks — at work, home, in the car, etc. — available so that if hunger calls, you can answer.

A few of my favorites:

  • Mixed nuts of any kind — Costco has a giant jar that I buy.
  • Pre-made hard boiled eggs. These can be bought at just about any grocery store and often at convenience stores like 7–11.
  • Bags of beef/turkey/chicken/salmon jerky (I don’t personally eat jerky because heartburn, but it’s a great option for Keto — just be sure to check the sugar).
  • Sting cheese, sliced cheese, cheese packs…



Hunter Foxx

Human. Existentialist. Author. Storyteller. Teacher. I see the world as it is… and will be.