Why OLD (online dating) doesn’t work for most people.

Hunter Foxx
11 min readApr 5, 2019
Courtesy of Wiktor Karkocha on unsplash.

OK, so what follows is a description of how the dynamics of the dating marketplace function on SOD (swipe/online dating), and why those dynamics mean that for most of us, apps like Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, etc., don’t work very well.

Part One: Men are thirsty AF

On Tinder alone, consider this: on average, men swipe right on 46% of potential matches; women swipe right on 14% — or less. It’s reasonable to assume that there’s a similar dynamic playing out on other platforms, so what does this mean?

It means that in general, women are going to match far more often than men, meaning that on the apps, women are in a state of abundance and men are in a state of scarcity — and this is especially true when comparing those at equal levels of attractiveness. Think of it this way: a woman who’s say, a seven on looks, is going to have far more options than a man who’s a seven (applying numbers to someone’s attractiveness is of course somewhat vulgar, but there’s no other way to make the point objectively — and remember, the apps are 99% looks/pics based).

Now think about basic human psychology. What happens when we have more than enough of something?

A: We become more selective and more capricious. We know we have options and there is no urgency…



Hunter Foxx

Human. Existentialist. Author. Storyteller. Teacher. I see the world as it is… and will be.