Hunter Livestock Ireland — Facts about Extensive Livestock System

Hunter International Livestock
2 min readMar 5, 2018


Comprehensive farming or extensive agriculture (in opposition to intensive farming) is an agricultural production system that uses small inputs of labor, fertilizer and capital relative to the land area being cultivated.

Types of Livestock Production System: — There are various types of livestock production systems. These are:-

Commercial Ruminant Production: — The threats of major infectious disease are wildlife / livestock interface diseases, in most parts of Africa, on the basis of diseases caused by vector, fertility disorders and area. The most common challenges for animal health management are:-

· Sufficient observation to ensure early diagnosis of problems.

· Glazier logistics for observation, vaccination and treatment.

· To prevent uncontrolled access to pastures and animals, apply the necessary level of biological security.

Extensive Poultry and Ostrich Production: — There is a link between poultry kept out of doors and wild birds, which can increase the likelihood of infection of Newcastle disease and avian influenza. According to all the widespread systems, it is likely to be more, unless it is high death, meditation will not be given and it will spread throughout the herd before being seen.

Production on Communal Grazing: — Generation of pathogens that affect production and reproduction (Brooke SPP, Mycobacterium bovis, Salmonella) as a result of limited availability of land. The lack of control over access to the land by people and newly born animals resulting in exposure to a wide range of new pathogens fatal diseases.

Nomadic/Pastoralist Systems: — These systems mainly include animals, sheep, goats and camels because others are not susceptible to the herd in general, and therefore, to roam with their owners. The movement of the herd is different from the seasonal movement to take advantage of grazing at a relatively short distance, which is available only for long distance activities in other areas which can cross the boundaries of one or more countries.

On the other hand, nomadic livestock owners usually depend heavily on their animals for their livelihood and often take care of them well, that they can do on the basis of a fund of traditional knowledge.

Hunter Livestock Ireland is a Fermoy based livestock export company that primarily engaged in the producing, trading and transporting all kinds of livestock within Egypt and abroad.

If you want to proper care to your animals and manage their health, then you can take ideas from us. We would like to help you.



Hunter International Livestock

Hunter International Livestock is a livestock export company which provides the healthy and high quality animals to their customers with their own transport com