The Addicting aspect of Social Media.

2 min readDec 15, 2015


Social media is a powerful tool, but it’s also a deadly one.

Okay, deadly?

Yes, social media apps such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are addicting.

Followers have a hard time putting their phones down for one second.

Researchers have shown, social app users are distracted 99 percent of the time.

Texting while driving accidents has increased sense the popularity of social media in 2008, and even more drastically as years passed.

Users like to message on Facebook, take pictures on Instagram; all while driving, walking across the street, or eating during public engagements.

Social media takes away a persons focus from the present.

There’s less human interaction.

It’s easier to text someone than call.

It’s a skill to take dozens of pictures and send them to friends during intimate moments with love ones.

The world is becoming more of a digital engagement.

Likes, Links and Sharing can promote a company or person to earn billions of dollars.

More is better.

The highest number of — — —

Likes, and Followers on social media platforms, the more prominent individuals or companies are rated.

Addicted to a virtual hashtaging world is the new normal.

What’s new is old!

Five minutes ago is yesterday, one second ago is……….. The past.

Social media,

