HuntingNFT&YokaiSwap/.Bit AMA Summary

14 min readFeb 10, 2023


Q:Introduce the group

A:Hi everyone, my name is Kristen and I am from the Nervos community.I’m the Co-founder of HuntingNFT,It is a great honor to participate in .Bit AMA and introduce our project to you.

In the summer of 2021, Nervos launched the L1 mNFT standard, and more infrastructure such as Godwoken, unipass, yokaiswap, etc. are gradually maturing. A few friends and I were eager to do something interesting on Nervos, so we jointly initiated a GAMEFI proposal in the community, and quickly received responses from engineers in other communities, formed a project team and started to promote the project.

Almost all the core members of the team are fans from the Nervos community. After making a comprehensive judgment on everyone’s technical capabilities, we jointly decided to make a GameFi product based on Nervos and mNFT.

Q:Introduce HuntingNFT

A:HuntingNFT is an original GameFi project initiated by volunteers in the Nervos global community. It aims to continuously explore through the combination of UniPass, mNFT, yokaiswap and other infrastructure in the Nervos ecosystem and combined with the team’s original gamification design, to create more Nervos public chain and cross-chain based GAMEFI value. The world view of HuntingNFT is in a place called Wright Island. The protagonist of the game is a Welsh dragon that guards the Isle of Wight all the year round. Of course, some people would like to call him “Wright Dragon”. Game participants can obtain dragon scale equipment through battles, and summon Wright dragons to start garrison, sacrifice and other GAMEFI. In later versions, we also plan more PVE and PVP gameplay, so that users can continue to obtain a better web3 games experience and game rewards.

The project is currently undergoing V 1.5 Beta testing. Within a month during the test event, the number of Twitter fans increased to 20000 followers, and the Discord community also increased to 13000 players, most of which are new users migrated from other chains. This also makes us more confident in promoting HuntingNFT to the Yokai community.

At present, the V1.5 version of the project is still running on Nervos L1. In our plan, the V2.0 version will be migrated to GodWoken and support MetaMask login.

Q:There are many NFT games on the market. What makes HuntingNFT different?

A:It’s a great question.

The first is the NFT value:

NFT is usually the main production asset in GameFi, such as the Chainsaw in Farmers World and the Pets in Axie Infinity. They usually have P2E and circulation transactions as their main features.

However, with the advent of the bear market, except for some blue-chip NFT assets, most other NFT assets have basically lost their liquidity and value. Users cannot realize them, and game officials have no incentive to buy them back. We believe that the NFT in the game must have collection value, using value, and market value at the same time to maintain the balance and stability of the NFT value, so we spent a long time designing economic models, gameplay, equipment, IP, etc., so that the NFT users get to have the three values above at the same time. The second is the innovation of the gameplay,In order to ensure the circulation and uniqueness of the NFTs, we have designed ten sets of 50 different Wright dragon equipment in V2.0 version, which have different drop probabilities, attributes, trigger skills, etc. The HuntingNFT game has established a constructive mechanism. Players can obtain different types of equipment NFTs during the battle. After successfully MINT Wright Dragon NFT, they can choose P2E gameplay to obtain benefits, such as garrisoning, offering sacrifices, etc. If some rare equipment NFT assets are obtained in the game, in addition to bringing attribute bonuses to Wright Dragon NFT, the equipment can also be stored in the secondary market for premium sales, during which time the NFT assets in the game have market value and earnings.

Q:What is the economic model of the game?

A:There are a large number of in-game consumption behaviors in the HuntingNFT game, such as the early purchase of dragon scale NFT, blind boxes, etc., and these ecological value increments will not be used as income for the game team.

The full-cycle value generated by players from obtaining equipment NFT to sacrificing Wright dragon will be used to feed back ecological development and HuntingNFT (ecological pass, P2E incentive) secondary market development to ensure the positive cycle and economic model of ecological value long-term effectiveness.

In the process of obtaining game benefits through various game scenarios in HuntingNFT, users will lose their dragon scale NFT. The economic model will make any NFT generated during the game have a certain value and an exit mechanism. This can prevent the value of NFT and token from entering a death spiral. During the overall game operation of HuntingNFT, all income from NFT destruction and sales will be transferred to the trading robot address after the operating costs are spent, and will be swapped into $HNFT in YokaiSwap through the trading robot and rewarded to game participants.

This is the underlying logic of the game’s economic model. We feed back all NFT casting and NFT burning revenue in the game to the game ecology. At present, most of the profits obtained by the top GAMEFI projects of other chains have not been used to feed back the game ecology, which has led to the problem that the value of the game cannot be anchored.

Q:What rewards can users get in the game?

A:I may have mentioned part of my speech just now. Here I would like to describe in detail the ways in which users can participate in the game to obtain benefits. In the V2.0 version that will be launched soon, users can choose four ways to obtain benefits. The first is garrison income. After winning the battle in the game war hall, you can get a random piece of dragon scale equipment. After getting five pieces of equipment “helmet, sword, shield, wings, breastplate”, the user can go to the summoning hall Summon your own Wright dragon, which is equivalent to the threshold for entering the game. After that, users can choose to garrison the game, and all the daily income of the game will be rewarded to users who choose to garrison.

The second is sacrifice income. Users can choose to sacrifice the Wright Dragon NFT at any time, which is equivalent to destroying the official repurchase. Users can share the sacrifice repurchase rewards with other users who choose to sacrifice on the same day. This innovation in the gameplay gives each Wright Dragon an on-site price benchmark, and at the same time, it also plays the role of automatic adjustment of income together with the garrison gameplay. When users feel that the benefits of stationing cannot satisfy them, they can choose to make sacrifices and get benefits at one time. The third is market premium income. When the randomly dropped equipment is rare NFT, players can sell it on YokaiDojo NFT market, to meet the high level suit needs of other players.

The fourth is DeFi, where 58% of our tokens are eco-rewards that allow users to deposit $HNFT on YokaiSwap for high yield framing and staking returns.

In our road map, we plan to create more DeFi game modes, so that users can enjoy different types of gamefi.

Q:Did there have been any private equity or institutional investment in this project before? Will ID0 be held in the future?

A:In order to ensure the fairness of the participants in the early stage of the project and the balance of the game economic model, we don’t have an IDO process or private placements. We have previously received a Nervos Grant award, which is used for expenditure design, Server fees, etc.

During the period of project advancement, many investment institutions also actively contacted us, but because we are a community project, we don’t want the token of the project to be obtained by early financial investors, which is unfair to other players who actually participate in the game, so no investment has been accepted.

At the same time, I can also explain to you that the amount of our TGE, which accounts for 2% of the total share, and all tokens will be airdropped to game participants before V2.0 goes online. Among them, 6000000 $HNFT is used to reward Best testers, and the other 14000000 $HNFT needs to be exchanged by users using the Wright Dragon NFT minted on the main network.

Q:What to do with the Wright Dragon NFT used in exchange for airdrops? How to deal with the obtained CKB?

A:The next phase of the project is the V1.5 Wright Dragons Minting Contest. Players can use the Wright Dragon minted in the contest to exchange for airdrop shares. During this phase, all the CKB earned by destroying NFT will provide initial liquidity for the $HNFT/$CKB on YokaiSwap platform. The rest will pay for development costs, third-party services, motion design fees, etc.

At the same time, we can notice that under the current trading mode of YokaiSwap, the token ratio of the original flow determines the initial market value of the project. If there are too many Wright Dragons in the minting competition to exchange for airdrop shares, the initial market value of the project may be too high , thus affecting the actual value of the airdrop shares.

Therefore, our V1.5 Wright Dragons Minting Contest may not keep for too long. During this process, we will announce the hard cap of the Wright Dragon exchange amount at any time according to the data on the chain. After completion, the airdrop exchange window will be closed before the V2.0 version releases.

Q:Whats the road map like…. trying to launch a project during mini bullrun. Do you think the atmosphere is good enough for it?

A:For the specific information of Road map, you can check our official website, here is a brief introduction:

  • 2023 Q1 HuntingNFT V2.0 is officially launched, open garrison, sacrifice gameplay. The community launches airdrop exchange activities, players can go to YokaiSwap to participate in trading, yield farming and staking.
  • — 2023 Q2 Economic model operates stably, iterative optimizes game interaction, open multi-dimensional P2E game models.
  • — 2023 Q4- 2024 Q2 HuntingNFT Wright Island model is launched, opening new PVP、PVE game models such as Island Landing, The Loot Night and Unite Garrison. We don’t not choose a specific time to launch V1.5. You can see that we started to promote the project two years ago, because we are a self-organized Nervos community and did not hire external development resources. We just continued to develop and promote. Bring the game to market after it’s usable.

Q:How will the team protect the supply & demand for this game? Because many games after running for months, the demand drop

A:That’s a good question. We’ve done market research before. 70 to 80 percent of the GAMEFI projects on the market right now are struggling to reach a five-day average of 200 people, sixty percent of events that are active for less than 30 days are almost“Over”, and across GameFi, few events have been active for more than three months.

In addition, the unreasonable economic model and the lack of NFT value support further limit the development of GameFi track, especially at this stage of the market is in a“Bear market” background, GameFi users are becoming more cautious as token incentive value shrinks and liquidity in the NFT market tightens, causing NFT assets in various GameFi applications to become junk. The HuntingNFT game itself has established a relatively constructive mechanism. Players can obtain different types of equipment NFT during the battle. After successfully minting the Wright dragon NFT, they can choose to use P2E gameplay such as garrison and sacrifice to earn tokens.

At the same time, the process of fighting, sacrificing, and summoning the Wright dragon in the game is also constantly destroying the NFT in the game and re-empowering the ecology, which ensures that the in- game assets can be balanced.

Q:NFT are growing rapidly, there are many games that followed the type of role-playing and turn-based game, which are already succeeded in the past few years. What are the utilities of your NFT game and in the ecosystem? Can I have passive income if I am an NFT owner?

A:The HuntingNFT game itself has established a relatively constructive mechanism. Players can obtain different types of equipment NFT during the battle. After successfully minting the Wright dragon NFT, they can choose to use P2E gameplay such as garrison and sacrifice to earn tokens.

At the same time, the process of fighting, sacrificing, and summoning the Wright dragon in the game is also constantly destroying the NFT in the game and re-empowering the ecology, which ensures that the in- game assets can be balanced.

The main reason why HuntingNFT can establish the above mechanism is that it has a unique circular economic model, which can avoid the impact of inflation brought about by the income generated in the game, and can make rigid payments for the Wright Dragon NFT sacrifice, continuously activating the ecological value. Finally, the revenue model of $HNFT in the game will be automatically balanced through several Gamefi scenarios.

The garrison gameplay is a way to continuously obtain passive income.

Q:How important is the community to you? and how can we collaborate or help you with the development of the project?

A:The community is very important to us because we are a community project and the team members are from the Nervos community. The original intention of starting the project was to do something interesting on Nervos so that more people could experience the technical advantages of Nervos public chain. We want to build an interesting community based on HuntingNFT, where people could share the growing benefits and promote the project by themselves.

Q:Could you introduce briefly about #HNFT tokenomics? And tell us more about Total supply and starting price per token? How many tokens will be minted in future and how many tokens will be locked by the team/investors?

A:We currently set the total amount of tokens at 1 billion, of which 58% are used to reward sacrifices, yield farming and staking, which will be released on average within five years. The team holds 22% of the tokens, which will be released on average within three years. At the same time, we also reserved 10% of tokens as the game ecological fund, which is used for promotion and cooperation with external projects and platforms. In order to ensure that the market value will not be too high when we are listing, we will also set an upper limit on the number of Wright dragon exchanges, and the exchange will end immediately after reaching the target number.

Because we have not received investment in any way, except for the reward of Nervos Grant, there is currently no way to calculate the initial price. However, I think the initial price is closely related to the second stage of the game, the V1.5 MINT competition. Users need to use Wright Dragons NFT to exchange for the official airdrop share, which means that after this stage is completed, we can have an approximate market value can be deduced.

If you are interested, you can check out our Doc:

Q:What will be the use of $HNFT in huntingNFT ecosystem?

A:$HNFT is the foundation of our game economic system. There are only two ways to issue additional tokens. One is daily sacrifice rewards, and the other is yield farming and staking rewards. This is what we hope to guide users to do.

Actually, we have also designed some new scenarios, such as equipment upgrades, building islands, transaction deduction, etc., all of which need to pay $HNFT to participate, and we will adjust these tokens according to the secondary market conditions. Destroy, or vote to determine other ways of use, such as rewards for cooperating with other communities.

The main reason why HuntingNFT can establish the above mechanism is that it has a unique circular economic model, which can avoid the impact of inflation brought about by the income generated in the game, and can be redeemed for the sacrifice and destruction of White Fat Dragon NFT, constantly activating the ecological value , and finally automatically balance the income model of $HNFT in the game through sacrifice, garrison, battle, summoning and other gameplay.

Q:Almost 80%of investors have just focused on the price of token in the short term instead of understanding the real value of the project. Can you tell us on motivations and benefits for investors to hold your token in the long term?

A:Yes, good question. People always care about short-term prices and the popularity of the market, but every year there will be many new hot spots, and users will focus on new projects. We don’t care about other hot spots in the market. Optimizing the product and design of the game is our core aim.

From the perspective of the overall project cycle, the successful listing of the project is just the first step. In the next step, we will expand the development resources of the team and design more gameplay and scenarios, so that the project can continue to provide value to users.

Q:People lose their interest in Gamefi projects after a few months and move to the next project to make money . How HNFT will maintain its interest in those people so that people stick to it?

A:Lots of people stay in the market because of sustainable income or growth expectations. There are problems with the economic model of projects that can only retain users for a few months, such as excessive distribution of in-game tokens, large deposits of NFT props, and a single revenue model that results in less and less revenue for users. The result is a death spiral in earnings and currency prices. But HuntingNFT has a complete economic model. Both token and NFT have scenarios of consumption, and users can benefit from multiple scenarios, such as garrison, sacrifice, mining, pledge, secondary market trading premium and so on.

The garrison and sacrifice gameplay were designed to adjust income. For example,with more Wright Dragons sharing the garrison every day, it will lead to the APR of the garrison’s payoffs continuing to decline. users can remove their garrison and choose to sacrifice Wright Dragons one time, and then go to YokaiSwap to yield farming and staking reward.

Q:What is the current stage of the game? When can I officially list ?

A:At present, there are three phases before the official listing of the game. The first phase is the V1.5 best tester event, the second phase is the V1.5 Wright Dragons Minting Contest, and the third phase is for airdrop exchange. You can check the game journey guide on the official website:

The first batch of users have completed our first phase. In this phase, a total of 11500 unique address users participated in the game, and 132000 game NFTs were minted. A total of 835 people won the “Best tester NFT” at this phase. They can hold this NFT share 6,000,000 $HNFT token reward in the third phase.

You can go to block explorer and search for “HuntingNFT” to view the data of our testing activities (search for HuntingNFT):

Q:How do users get the token of the project?

A:In order to ensure the fairness of the participants the project and the game economic model, we don’t have an IDO etc. to sell Token shares in advance. The only way for users to obtain project Token shares is to participate in the V1.5 Wright Dragon MINT event in the second phase of the game, and use Wright Dragon NFT to exchange for early game airdrop shares before V2.0 listing on YokaiSwap.

I saw that 15 people won 4000 $HNFT at this event. Does anyone else want to win our token?

If you haven’t won the reward yet, now you also have a chance to get a reward of up to 4000 $HNFT. We organized an exclusive V1.5 beta test event for the Yokai .bit community.

After completing the test task, you can get Best Tester NFT rewards. In the third phase of the game, this NFT can also be used to exchange 4000 $ HNFT.

This NFT reward is limited to 1500, and nearly 900 users have got it. We have also made some limited places for the Yokai .bit community.

You can go to our discord to check the rules and participate in this event. Of course, this phase will finish soon, and the next phase of the V1.5 minting contest will start.

URL: yokaiswap .bit -community-exclusive-channel

