Conformity VS Individuality

Hur Abbas
2 min readNov 10, 2023


Navigating the Clash Between Conformity and Individuality

Conformity: Why do you always want to be different? It’s easier to go with the flow and be like everyone else.

Individuality: But being like everyone else means giving up what makes me, me. I don’t want to be a copy; I want to be an original.

Conformity: Original? That’s overrated. Look around — everyone’s the same. It’s comfortable.

Individuality: Comfortable, maybe, but at what cost? I’d rather be true to myself than trade my quirks for a boring life.

Conformity: Quirks attract attention, and attention can be trouble. Why not just fit in and avoid problems?

Individuality: Problems? Conforming feels like a slow slide into a dull life. I’d rather face the challenges of being myself.

Conformity: Being yourself is a luxury we can’t afford. Society expects us to follow the rules, and fit in.

Individuality: Maybe it’s time to change those rules. Why settle for the ordinary when you can make your life unique?

Conformity: It’s safer to stay in the shadows. It ensures an easy, predictable path.

Individuality: Shadows might be safe, but that’s where creativity fades. I’d rather shine, even if it means dealing with challenges.

Conformity: You’re too idealistic. Reality demands conformity.

Individuality: Yet, I think reality should have some individuality. It’s what makes life worth living.

Conformity: Going with the flow and lacking uniqueness can lead to feeling lost, like an unsung bird.

Individuality: Lost, maybe, but the journey of being myself is where I discover the true essence of life.

Conformity: Being yourself can be risky, like navigating an uncertain path with unpredictable twists.

Individuality: Risky, yes, but risk adds spice to the otherwise dull journey of conformity. Unpredictability is the heartbeat of life, where every twist holds the promise of discovery.

Conformity: But isn’t that what makes life an adventure worth embracing?

Individuality: Exactly. An adventure where you become the compass, guiding you through uncharted possibilities.

