Pineapple Pizza Co.

Pineapple Pizza Co.
3 min readMay 14, 2019


Showcasing the best pizza topping there is!

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From anchovies to sausage, there is nothing better than turning your salty delicious pizza to something even more savory, than with pineapple! That is right, I said it, pineapple. Its been a controversial topic among pizza enthusiasts and I am here today to tell you its okay to like it. In fact its wrong to not like it! I mean unless of course you have a pineapple allergy. That being said, pineapple is amazing on pizza. I could not think of a more delicious topping to go with a cheesy, saucy pizza pie. No matter the toppings, add pineapple. You got sausage, add pineapple! You got a veggie pizza, add pineapple! you got an anchovies pizza with extra anchovies, add PINEAPPLE! Its sweet juicy goodness gets all roasted and almost caramelized under the heat of the oven. It turns a fruit into a golden nugget of sweet deliciousness complimenting any and all meats or veggies you have on your pizza.

The Hawaiian

So enough about how tasty it is, lets get down to brass tacks and talk about the controversy in society. Today, there is a large crowd who think pineapple on a pizza is crude and unnatural. However they’re wrong, and I couldn’t be more right about that opinion. The fact is, is that controversy stems back from the birth of a succulent pizza known as “The Hawaiian”. This pizza was ground breaking in the pizza world. What is Hawaiian pizza? Well its the amalgam of a standard cheese pizza with Canadian bacon, a.k.a. ham, and pineapple. The thought behind this was sweet and salty combined in a perfect pair. During Easter a lot of folks make pineapple baked ham. So this is part of the idea behind it, and that sweet and salty make a perfect duo. So pizza creators decided to find a clever way to throw one of the most nostalgic food creations on a pizza. When this pizza hit the market, people were torn between the purists and progressives. The purists sought to extinguish the idea, and touted it as not being pizza. While the progressives thought it was a great take on pizza, and totally tasty. Well, the progressives won, as its a commonly themed item at most pizza places today.

Pineapple on any pizza

Apart from the feud between the different pizza groups, the fact that pineapple pizza became a well known staple in pizza joints across america, it opened the door for other new and exciting ideas for pizza. Today most pizza places offer whatever toppings, sauce, finishing sauce, crust, and crust flavors you could dream up. The pizza industry saw a huge spike in what the people really wanted out of pizza, and that was to have any topping they wanted on a pizza. So while a lot of people enjoy the typical sausage and pepperoni pizza, many groups of people still enjoy a good helping of sweet juicy pineapple added to any toppings of pizza they choose. There is only one right way to eat a pizza, and that is with some pineapple on top.

Pizza on a pineapple



Pineapple Pizza Co.

I love pineapple on pizza! Its sweet… its salty… its savory