Computer Science vs Software Engineering

Husam Mohamed
3 min readNov 18, 2023


Computer science and software engineering are closely related terms. The distinction between them often gets ambiguous. They’re often used interchangeably, which blurs the lines between them.

Computer science is more concerned with theory and algorithms, while software engineering focuses on the practical usage of engineering in software production.

Computer science is a broad field covering so much areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and theoretical foundations. Software Engineering is more focused on software development processes, coding, testing, and project management.

Software engineering might be considered a sub-field of computer science.

Computer Science

“Theories” is the first aspect that defines computer science. It’s the study of computers and computational systems, including hardware, software, algorithms, and information processing. It’s a broad field covering many topics ranging from theoretical disciplines to applied disciplines.

The topics covered by computer science include but are not limited to: Computer Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Cyber Security, Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Graphics, Algorithms and Data structures, and many more fields.

In conclusion, computer science is a broad field about understanding how computers work.

Software Engineering

Software engineering is concerned with the practical application of computer science concepts in software production. It’s an engineering discipline that is concerned with all aspects of software production, from the early stages of requirements to the final stages of maintaining a fully deployed system.

The stages of software engineering begin with Requirements Engineering where the requirements for the system are gathered, specified, and documented to understand how the final system would look like. Design and Development is the stage where the requirements are realized in a real system, designing a structure for the system and coding it into executable programs. Deployment and Testing is where the system is installed onto the users’ environment and tested to verify that it meets its requirements. Maintenance is the final and longest stage of software production where the system is maintained while it’s operating, fixing bugs, and updating the system.

So, software engineering is a practical field of software production. It applies engineering principles and computer science theories to real-world projects.

Key Differences

Computer science focuses primarily on theoretical aspects, algorithms, and understanding the fundamentals of computers. Software engineering emphasizes the practical application of computer science theories in software production.

Computer science involves research, innovation, and the development of theoretical models or algorithms. Software engineering involves the process of building software systems, including coding, design, testing, deployment, and maintenance.

Computer science encompasses a broad range of disciplines ranging from the theoretical to the practical. Software engineering is a sub-field of computer science specialized in software production processes from requirements gathering to deployment and maintenance.

Computer science aims to expand the knowledge and push the boundaries of what computational systems can do. Software engineering aims to produce high-quality software products that meet practical needs.

Computer science is applied in various fields and industries, including software engineering. Software engineering is applied directly to creating and developing software products.



Husam Mohamed

Software Engineer, Front end web developer, React developer.