Choosing Between Sealed Classes and Enum Classes in Kotlin

Husayn Fakher
12 min readApr 15, 2024


Enum classes and sealed classes are two fundamental constructs in Kotlin used for grouping related options together. While they share some similarities, they also have distinct features and use cases. This article delves into the nuances between enum classes and sealed classes, providing clarity on when to use each.

Sealed classes enforce exhaustiveness by requiring developers to handle all possible subclasses in when expressions.

What distinguishes sealed classes from enum classes in Kotlin?

Sealed classes and enum classes in Kotlin serve as mechanisms for grouping related options, but they have distinct characteristics that set them apart:

  1. Hierarchy vs. Fixed Set: Sealed classes allow for the creation of class hierarchies, where each subclass can represent a different state or type of data. Enum classes, on the other hand, represent a fixed set of options with no hierarchy among them.
  2. Flexibility and Customization: Sealed classes offer more flexibility and customization options compared to enum classes. Developers can define properties, methods, and companion objects within sealed classes, allowing for greater versatility in representing complex data structures. Enum classes, while powerful for representing closed sets of options, may lack the flexibility required for certain use cases.
  3. Exhaustiveness: Sealed classes and enum classes both enforce exhaustiveness, ensuring that all possible cases are handled. However, sealed classes achieve this by requiring exhaustive when expressions for all subclasses, whereas enum classes enforce exhaustiveness implicitly through their fixed set of options.
  4. Extension and Inheritance: Sealed classes support inheritance, meaning that subclasses can extend the sealed class within the same file. This allows for the creation of rich class hierarchies with shared behaviors and properties. Enum classes, on the other hand, do not support inheritance, as each option is considered a standalone instance of the enum class.

Can you explain the concept of exhaustiveness in relation to sealed classes and enum classes?

The concept of exhaustiveness is crucial in programming languages like Kotlin, especially when dealing with sealed classes and enum classes. It ensures that all possible cases or options are handled, leaving no room for unexpected behavior or runtime errors.

Exhaustiveness with Sealed Classes:

  • Sealed classes enforce exhaustiveness by requiring developers to handle all possible subclasses in when expressions. Since sealed classes define a closed set of subclasses within the same file, the compiler can verify that all cases are covered.
  • When using a when expression with a sealed class, if all possible subclasses are not accounted for, the compiler will issue a warning or error. This ensures that developers handle all potential cases, promoting code safety and reducing the likelihood of runtime errors.

Exhaustiveness with Enum Classes:

  • Enum classes implicitly enforce exhaustiveness through their fixed set of options. Since enum classes represent a predefined list of instances, the compiler knows all possible options at compile time.
  • When using a when expression with an enum class, the compiler ensures that every option is covered. If a case for any enum instance is missing, the compiler will issue a warning or error.
  • This implicit exhaustiveness simplifies code validation and ensures that developers handle all enum instances, eliminating the risk of unexpected behavior.

In summary, exhaustiveness ensures that all possible cases or options are handled in when expressions, promoting code safety and predictability. Sealed classes enforce exhaustiveness by requiring developers to handle all subclasses explicitly, while enum classes achieve exhaustiveness implicitly through their fixed set of options. By adhering to exhaustiveness, developers can write robust, error-free code that gracefully handles all possible scenarios.

In what scenarios would you choose to use sealed classes over enum classes, and vice versa?

Choosing between sealed classes and enum classes in Kotlin depends on the specific requirements and design considerations of the project. Here are scenarios where you might prefer one over the other:

Use Sealed Classes When:

  1. Representing Hierarchies: Sealed classes are ideal for scenarios where options need to be grouped under a common hierarchy with varying behaviors or properties. For example, modeling different types of shapes or HTTP response states.
  2. Customization and Extension: If you anticipate the need to extend or customize individual options with additional properties or behaviors, sealed classes provide the flexibility to do so.
  3. Handling Complex States: When dealing with complex states or data structures that cannot be adequately represented by a fixed set of options, sealed classes offer a more versatile solution.
  4. Compile-Time Safety: Sealed classes enforce exhaustiveness, providing compile-time safety by ensuring that all possible cases are handled. This helps catch potential errors early in the development process.

Use Enum Classes When:

  1. Representing Fixed Sets: Enum classes are suitable for scenarios where options represent a fixed, predefined set of choices with no hierarchy among them. For example, representing days of the week or HTTP status codes.
  2. Simplicity and Conciseness: If your options are straightforward and do not require additional properties or behaviors, enum classes offer a concise syntax for defining a predefined list of instances.
  3. Implicit Exhaustiveness: Enum classes implicitly enforce exhaustiveness, ensuring that all options are covered in when expressions without the need for explicit handling of each case.
  4. Type Safety: Enum classes provide type safety, allowing the compiler to enforce that only valid enum instances are used, reducing the likelihood of runtime errors.

Choose sealed classes when you need to represent hierarchical data structures with varying behaviors or properties, require flexibility for customization and extension, or anticipate handling complex states. On the other hand, opt for enum classes when you have a fixed set of options with no hierarchy, prefer simplicity and concise syntax, or value implicit exhaustiveness and type safety. Understanding the specific needs of your project will guide you in making the appropriate choice between sealed classes and enum classes.

What advantages do sealed classes offer over enum classes in terms of flexibility and customization?

Sealed classes offer several advantages over enum classes in terms of flexibility and customization:

  1. Hierarchy: Sealed classes allow for the creation of class hierarchies, where each subclass can have its own distinct properties, methods, and behaviors. This hierarchical structure enables developers to model complex data structures and states more effectively compared to the flat structure of enum classes.
  2. Custom Properties and Methods: Within sealed classes, each subclass can define its own properties and methods, providing fine-grained control over the behavior of each option. This level of customization allows developers to tailor each option to specific requirements, enhancing code flexibility and maintainability.
  3. Companion Objects: Sealed classes support companion objects, which enable the definition of shared functionality and constants across all subclasses. This feature facilitates code reuse and promotes consistency within the sealed class hierarchy.
  4. Extension and Inheritance: Sealed classes support inheritance, meaning that subclasses can extend the sealed class within the same file. This allows for the creation of rich class hierarchies with shared behaviors and properties, providing greater flexibility in representing complex data structures.
  5. Pattern Matching: Sealed classes enable pattern matching through when expressions, allowing developers to handle different subclasses in a concise and readable manner. This pattern matching capability simplifies code logic and promotes clarity in handling various states or options.

Overall, sealed classes offer a more flexible and customizable approach to representing related options compared to enum classes. By supporting hierarchy, custom properties and methods, companion objects, extension, and inheritance, sealed classes empower developers to model complex data structures and states more effectively, leading to cleaner, more maintainable code.

How does the syntax for defining options differ between sealed classes and enum classes?

The syntax for defining options differs between sealed classes and enum classes in Kotlin:

Sealed Classes:

  • Options within a sealed class are defined as subclasses of the sealed class.
  • Each subclass represents a distinct option or state.
  • The syntax for defining a sealed class and its subclasses is as follows:
sealed class MySealedClass {
class Option1 : MySealedClass()
class Option2 : MySealedClass()
// Additional subclasses representing other options

Enum Classes:

  • Options within an enum class are defined as instances of the enum class.
  • Each instance represents a unique option within the enum class.
  • The syntax for defining an enum class and its instances is as follows:
enum class MyEnum {
// Additional options separated by commas


  1. Subclasses vs. Instances: Sealed classes define options as subclasses of the sealed class, while enum classes define options as instances of the enum class.
  2. Inheritance: Sealed class options can have their own properties, methods, and behaviors, as they are subclasses. Enum class options cannot have additional properties or methods.
  3. Closed vs. Open Sets: Sealed classes allow for the creation of open or closed sets of options, depending on whether subclasses are defined within the same file or externally. Enum classes always represent closed sets of options, as all instances are defined within the enum class itself.
  4. Pattern Matching: Sealed classes enable exhaustive pattern matching through when expressions, allowing for explicit handling of each subclass. Enum classes also support when expressions but implicitly enforce exhaustiveness, ensuring that all instances are covered without the need for explicit handling of each case.

While both sealed classes and enum classes provide ways to represent options in Kotlin, they differ in syntax and behavior. Sealed classes offer greater flexibility and support for hierarchy and customization, while enum classes provide a more concise syntax for defining a fixed set of options. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements and design considerations of the project.

Can you provide examples of situations where sealed classes are more suitable than enum classes, and vice versa?

Situations Favoring Sealed Classes:

Hierarchical Data: When you need to represent data with a hierarchical structure, sealed classes are more suitable. For example, modeling different types of shapes where each shape has unique properties and behaviors (e.g., Circle, Rectangle, Triangle).

sealed class Shape {
class Circle(val radius: Float) : Shape()
class Rectangle(val width: Float, val height: Float) : Shape()
class Triangle(val base: Float, val height: Float) : Shape()

Customization and Extension: If you anticipate the need to extend individual options with additional properties or behaviors, sealed classes offer more flexibility. For instance, handling different types of HTTP errors with additional error details.

sealed class HttpError {
data class NotFound(val resource: String) : HttpError()
data class Unauthorized(val message: String) : HttpError()
// Additional subclasses for other error types

Complex States: Sealed classes are suitable for representing complex states or data structures where each state requires its own set of properties and behaviors. For example, modeling different states of a user authentication process.

sealed class AuthenticationState {
object Unauthenticated : AuthenticationState()
data class Authenticated(val userId: String) : AuthenticationState()
data class AuthenticationError(val errorMessage: String) : AuthenticationState()

Situations Favoring Enum Classes:

Fixed Set of Options: If your options represent a fixed, predefined set of choices with no hierarchy among them, enum classes are more appropriate. For example, representing days of the week or months of the year.

enum class DayOfWeek {
// Additional days of the week

Simplicity and Conciseness: When you have a straightforward set of options without the need for additional properties or behaviors, enum classes offer a more concise syntax. For instance, representing different colors.

enum class Color {
// Additional colors

Limited Options with Equal Importance: If your options have equal importance and there is no need for customization or extension, enum classes provide a clear and simple representation. For example, representing different types of currencies.

enum class Currency {
// Additional currencies

Sealed classes are more suitable for scenarios requiring hierarchical data, customization, and complex states, while enum classes excel in representing fixed sets of options with equal importance and simplicity. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements and design considerations of the project.

What are the limitations of enum classes compared to sealed classes, especially in complex hierarchies?

Enum classes have certain limitations compared to sealed classes, particularly when dealing with complex hierarchies:

  1. Lack of Inheritance: Enum classes do not support inheritance, meaning that each enum instance stands alone without the ability to extend or inherit from other instances. This limitation makes it challenging to represent complex hierarchies where options have shared behaviors or properties.
  2. Limited Customization: Enum instances in enum classes cannot have additional properties or methods beyond their name and ordinal value. This limitation restricts the ability to customize individual options within the enum class, making it less suitable for scenarios requiring fine-grained control over each option.
  3. Flat Structure: Enum classes have a flat structure, meaning that all enum instances are on the same level and do not have hierarchical relationships. This flat structure makes it difficult to represent complex data structures or states that require nested or hierarchical organization.
  4. Fixed Set of Options: Enum classes represent a fixed set of options defined at compile time. While this is suitable for scenarios with a predefined list of choices, it becomes limiting when the set of options needs to be dynamically determined or extended based on runtime conditions.
  5. Difficulty in Refactoring: Adding or modifying options in an enum class can be challenging, especially in large codebases. Enum classes require recompilation whenever changes are made to the set of options, potentially leading to code maintenance issues and compatibility concerns.
  6. Compile-Time Constraints: Enum classes enforce compile-time constraints on the set of options, making it difficult to introduce new options or modify existing ones at runtime. This constraint restricts the flexibility and adaptability of enum classes in dynamic environments.

Enum classes are limited in their ability to represent complex hierarchies and provide customization compared to sealed classes. While enum classes excel in representing fixed sets of options with simplicity and type safety, they are less suitable for scenarios requiring hierarchical organization, inheritance, and dynamic behavior. Sealed classes offer greater flexibility and control in modeling complex data structures and states, making them a preferred choice for scenarios involving intricate hierarchies.

How do sealed interfaces fit into the discussion of sealed classes vs. enum classes in Kotlin?

Sealed interfaces provide a simpler alternative to sealed classes and offer additional flexibility in certain scenarios. Here’s how they fit into the discussion of sealed classes vs. enum classes in Kotlin:

1. Simpler Alternative:

  • Sealed interfaces offer a more lightweight and concise syntax compared to sealed classes, making them easier to define and use in Kotlin.
  • They serve as a simpler alternative when hierarchical organization is not necessary or when options do not require additional properties or behaviors beyond their type.

2. Concise Syntax:

  • Sealed interfaces allow developers to define a closed set of implementors without the need for explicit subclasses. This concise syntax promotes clarity and readability in code, especially in scenarios with a small number of options.

3. Flexibility:

  • While sealed classes support inheritance and subclassing, sealed interfaces provide a more flexible approach by allowing implementors to define their own properties and methods.
  • Sealed interfaces can be implemented by classes, objects, or other interfaces, offering versatility in usage and enabling a wide range of possibilities for organizing related options.

4. Maintainability:

  • Sealed interfaces contribute to code maintainability by enforcing a closed set of implementors, similar to sealed classes. This ensures that all possible cases are handled and reduces the risk of unexpected behavior or errors at runtime.

5. Use Cases:

  • Sealed interfaces are well-suited for scenarios where options do not require additional properties or behaviors beyond their type, such as representing simple states or types of data.
  • They are particularly useful when defining a closed set of options with a minimal amount of code, providing a clean and concise solution without the overhead of defining explicit subclasses.

Sealed interfaces offer a simpler and more lightweight alternative to sealed classes, providing flexibility and maintainability in scenarios where hierarchical organization is not required. While sealed classes excel in representing complex hierarchies with varying behaviors, sealed interfaces serve as a convenient choice for defining closed sets of options with a focus on simplicity and clarity. The choice between sealed classes, sealed interfaces, and enum classes depends on the specific requirements and design considerations of the project.

In terms of code readability and maintainability, which approach — sealed classes or enum classes — tends to be preferred, and why?

In terms of code readability and maintainability, the preference between sealed classes and enum classes depends on the specific requirements and complexity of the project. However, in general, sealed classes tend to be preferred over enum classes for several reasons:

  1. Hierarchical Organization: Sealed classes allow for hierarchical organization of related options, making it easier to group and manage related states or types of data. This hierarchical structure enhances code readability by providing a clear and logical organization of options.
  2. Flexibility and Customization: Sealed classes offer greater flexibility and customization compared to enum classes. Developers can define properties, methods, and behaviors within each subclass of a sealed class, allowing for more fine-grained control over individual options. This flexibility promotes code maintainability by accommodating changes and updates to the codebase more easily.
  3. Compile-Time Safety: Sealed classes enforce exhaustiveness, ensuring that all possible cases are handled at compile time. This compile-time safety reduces the likelihood of runtime errors and makes the codebase more robust and reliable.
  4. Pattern Matching: Sealed classes enable pattern matching through when expressions, allowing for explicit handling of each subclass. This pattern matching capability improves code readability by making it clear and concise how each option is handled within the code.
  5. Extension and Inheritance: Sealed classes support inheritance, enabling the creation of rich class hierarchies with shared behaviors and properties. This inheritance mechanism promotes code reusability and maintainability by allowing common functionality to be encapsulated and shared among subclasses.

While enum classes offer simplicity and a concise syntax for representing fixed sets of options, they lack the hierarchical organization and customization capabilities of sealed classes. In scenarios where options need to be grouped under a common hierarchy with varying behaviors or properties, sealed classes tend to be the preferred choice for enhancing code readability and maintainability. However, the choice between sealed classes and enum classes ultimately depends on the specific requirements and design considerations of the project, and both approaches have their merits in different contexts.

