Android RecyclerView Animations Simply

How to add animation into the RecyclerView?

Android Recyclerview Animation Example

Hello! Welcome to my article Dear Android Developers! and Dear Predators!

In my previous article, I talked about how to create a RecyclerView. Now I will briefly talk about how to add basic animations to our RecyclerView through the example of my previous article. If you haven’t read my previous post, you can find it here:

Lets start then!

First of all, we should create anim directory in our project resource file.

Creating Android Resource Directory
Creating Anim Directory

Then, we have to compose our animation resource file inside of the anim directory.

Creating Animation Resource File
Creating Animation Resource File

Here we create the animation we want to apply on the RecyclerView.

Finally, we associate the animation inside of the onBindViewHolder method.(In RecyclerView Adapter Class)

And the result!

Android Recyclerview Animation Example

I hope it was a useful article! I wish you healthy days!

Photo by Dynamic Wang on Unsplash

