The Wisdom of Rumi: Top Ten Sayings of the Sufi Poet


3 min readAug 6, 2023

Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī, commonly known as Rumi, was a 13th-century Persian poet, jurist, Islamic scholar, theologian, and Sufi mystic. His poetry and teachings have inspired millions of people around the world for centuries. Rumi’s verses are full of deep wisdom, spiritual insight and deep understanding of human emotions. In this article, we’ll explore ten of his most compelling statements that still resonate with readers across cultures and time.

1. “You were born with wings, why crawl through life?”

This thought-provoking saying encourages us to embrace our innate potential and strive for greatness. Rumi reminds us that we are capable of rising to great heights and should not settle for an average life when we have the ability to achieve extraordinary things.

2. “Don’t settle for the stories that come before you. Develop your own myth.”

Rumi encourages us to break free from societal norms and expectations. It challenges us to create our own path and not be constrained by the narratives of others. By embracing our uniqueness, we can discover our own purpose and meaning in life.

3. “The wound is where the Light enters you.”

This profound saying teaches us that through our pain and struggles we can find enlightenment and spiritual growth. Rumi emphasizes that adversity can be a catalyst for transformation and an opportunity to find inner strength and wisdom.

4. “The only lasting beauty is the beauty of the heart.”

Rumi emphasizes the importance of inner beauty and the qualities that lie in the human heart. It reminds us that material beauty may fade, but the beauty of kindness, compassion, and love endures and shines through a person’s character.

5. “Beyond notions of wrong and right, there is a field. We’ll meet there.”

This timeless saying emphasizes the importance of looking beyond our differences and judgments. Rumi invites us to find common ground in a place of acceptance and understanding, without judgment or prejudice.

6. “The moon remains bright when it does not shun the night.”

Rumi’s metaphorical wisdom reminds us that challenges and darkness are part of life’s journey. Just as the moon shines brightly despite the darkness of the night, we should embrace life’s difficulties and find strength in adversity.

7. “The wound is where the Light enters you.”

In this poetic statement, Rumi reminds us that our vulnerability can lead to spiritual growth and enlightenment. The challenges we face can become opportunities for inner healing and transformation.

8. “Lift your words, not your voice. Flowers grow in rain, not thunder.”

This saying encourages us to use gentle words and compassion to bring about positive change. Rumi emphasizes the power of understanding and empathy over violent and aggressive communication.

9. “What you seek seeks you.”

Rumi’s spiritual insight teaches us that the desires and aspirations in our hearts are not random, but related to our true purpose. It suggests that what we seek in life also seeks us and leads us to our destined path.

10. “Don’t mourn. Whatever you lose will come back in another form.”

This soothing saying reminds us of the cyclical nature of life. Rumi offers comfort in the face of loss, suggesting that what is lost will be replaced by something new, and change is an inevitable part of the human experience.


Rumi’s sayings continue to touch the hearts and minds of people around the world, transcending time and cultural barriers. His words resonate with deep spiritual insights and encourage us to embrace our true selves, find beauty within ourselves, and seek wisdom and understanding in every aspect of life. Through his poetry, Rumi invites us to embark on a journey of self-discovery, love and spiritual growth, leaving an eternal legacy of wisdom and inspiration for generations to come.




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