MVVM with Clean Architecture in React Native: A Detailed Guide

Hussain Abbas
5 min readJun 8, 2023


In modern software development, it’s crucial to follow architectural patterns that promote clean code, separation of concerns, and maintainability. In this article, we’ll explore the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architectural pattern and how it can be implemented with Clean Architecture in React Native. By leveraging these principles, you can build scalable, testable, and maintainable mobile applications.

Table of Contents:

  1. Understanding MVVM and Clean Architecture
  2. Setting up a React Native Project
  3. Implementing Clean Architecture in React Native 3.1. Defining the Project Structure 3.2. Separating Concerns with Layers 3.3. Implementing the Model Layer 3.4. Building the View Layer 3.5. Creating the ViewModel Layer
  4. Data Binding and Two-Way Communication
  5. Testing and Dependency Injection
  6. Conclusion
  7. Understanding MVVM and Clean Architecture: MVVM is an architectural pattern that separates the UI (View) logic from the business logic (Model) by introducing a mediator called ViewModel. Clean Architecture, on the other hand, emphasizes the separation of concerns and the independence of each layer. It consists of several layers, including the Model, View, and ViewModel.
  8. Setting up a React Native Project: Before we dive into implementing MVVM with Clean Architecture, let’s start by setting up a new React Native project. Follow the React Native documentation to install the necessary tools and create a new project.
  9. Implementing Clean Architecture in React Native: 3.1. Defining the Project Structure: To implement Clean Architecture, we need to define a clear project structure. Create separate directories for each layer: “src” for the Model layer, “screens” for the View layer, and “viewmodels” for the ViewModel layer. Additionally, create directories for common utilities, services, and data repositories.

3.2. Separating Concerns with Layers: Each layer in Clean Architecture has distinct responsibilities. The Model layer represents the business logic, the View layer handles the UI, and the ViewModel layer acts as the intermediary between the Model and View. By keeping these layers separate, we ensure better maintainability and testability.

3.3. Implementing the Model Layer: In the Model layer, define the necessary business logic, data models, and data repositories. This layer should encapsulate the core functionality of your application, such as API interactions, data transformations, and business rules.

3.4. Building the View Layer: The View layer consists of React Native components responsible for rendering the UI. Create separate screen components for different views of your application. These components should be as dumb as possible, without any business logic. They should only receive data and user actions as props and delegate to the ViewModel layer for further processing.

3.5. Creating the ViewModel Layer: The ViewModel layer acts as a bridge between the Model and View layers. It receives input from the View components, processes it using the business logic from the Model layer, and provides the updated data back to the View. Create separate ViewModel classes for each screen component. These classes should contain the necessary state management, data transformations, and interaction with the Model layer.

4. Data Binding and Two-Way Communication: To establish a strong connection between the View and ViewModel layers, utilize data binding techniques. React Native provides various options for data binding, such as the Context API, libraries like MobX and Redux, or even custom implementations. Choose a data-binding solution that best fits your project requirements and integrate it into your application. This allows for seamless communication and updates between the View and ViewModel layers.

5. Testing and Dependency Injection: Clean Architecture promotes testability by decoupling dependencies and isolating each layer for unit testing. Write unit tests for your Model and ViewModel classes to ensure they function correctly. Additionally, consider using dependency injection to provide dependencies to your classes. This allows for better modularity, easier testing, and flexibility in swapping out implementations.

6. Conclusion: In this article, we explored the implementation of MVVM with Clean Architecture in React Native. By separating concerns into distinct layers and leveraging data binding, we achieved a clean, scalable, and maintainable codebase. Remember to follow best practices, such as proper directory structure, decoupling dependencies, and writing comprehensive tests, to ensure the success of your project.

Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates the implementation of MVVM with Clean Architecture in React Native:

  1. Model Layer (src/models/UserModel.js):
class UserModel {
constructor(id, name, email) { = id; = name; = email;

export default UserModel;

2. View Layer (screens/UserScreen.js):

import React from 'react';
import { View, Text, Button } from 'react-native';

const UserScreen = ({ user, onUpdateUser }) => {
return (
<Text>Name: {}</Text>
<Text>Email: {}</Text>
<Button title="Update" onPress={onUpdateUser} />

export default UserScreen;

3. View Layer (screens/UserScreen.js):

import UserModel from '../models/UserModel';

class UserViewModel {
constructor() {
this.user = new UserModel(1, 'John Doe', '');

updateUser() {
// Perform logic to update the user = 'Jane Smith'; = '';

export default UserViewModel;

4. App.js:

import React from 'react';
import UserScreen from './screens/UserScreen';
import UserViewModel from './viewmodels/UserViewModel';

const App = () => {
const userViewModel = new UserViewModel();

const handleUpdateUser = () => {
// Trigger UI update
// You can use state management libraries like Redux or Context API here

return <UserScreen user={userViewModel.user} onUpdateUser={handleUpdateUser} />;

export default App;

In this example, the Model layer is represented by the UserModel class, which holds the user data. The View layer is represented by the UserScreen component, responsible for rendering the user information and update button. The ViewModel layer is represented by the UserViewModel class, which manages the user data and performs the logic to update it.

In the App component, we create an instance of the UserViewModel class and pass the user object and the update function to the UserScreen component as props. When the “Update” button is pressed, the handleUpdateUser function is called, which triggers the update logic in the UserViewModel and subsequently updates the UI.

Remember to adapt this code to fit your specific project requirements and integrate it with your chosen data binding solution and testing framework.

