Write the Best Gig Title for Fiverr with examples

Samar Abbas Saqib
2 min readMar 7, 2023


The gig title is a critical component of a Fiverr gig as it serves as the first point of contact between the seller and the potential buyer. A well-crafted gig title can make the difference between a buyer clicking on a gig or scrolling past it. It should be clear, and concise, and highlight the unique selling proposition of the service being offered. The title should also use relevant keywords that people are likely to search for and be specific to the service being offered. A good gig title can increase the visibility of the gig in search results and attract more potential buyers, ultimately leading to more sales and success on the Fiverr platform.

To write the best gig title for Fiverr, consider the following tips:

  1. Be clear and concise: Your gig title should clearly describe what you’re offering. Keep it short and sweet, using as few words as possible to convey the message.
  2. Use keywords: Use keywords that are relevant to your service, and that people are likely to search for. This will help your gig appear in search results when someone searches for those keywords.
  3. Highlight your unique selling proposition: What makes your service stand out from others on Fiverr? Highlight this in your gig title to catch the attention of potential buyers.
  4. Be specific: If you offer a specialized service, mention it in your gig title. This will help you attract buyers who are specifically looking for that type of service.
  5. Use numbers: Numbers in your gig title can help make it more eye-catching and memorable. For example, “I will write 500 words of SEO content” is more specific and memorable than “I will write SEO content”.
  6. Avoid hype: Avoid using hype or making unrealistic promises in your gig title. Be honest about what you can offer, and deliver on your promises.
  7. Test and refine: Try different gig titles to see what works best for you. Monitor your results and refine your gig title as needed to improve your visibility and attract more buyers.

Example of a good gig title: “I will design a professional logo for your business in 24 hours”

This title is clear, specifically highlights the seller’s unique selling proposition, and includes a timeframe, which can help attract buyers looking for a quick turnaround.

