Projects building on StarkNet.

7 min readMay 6, 2022


This article is about the whole StarkNet eco-system itself.

Despite the fact that StarkNet is still in Alpha stage, there are already a lot of DeFi projects being build. So this article was created to introduce them to you. I divided all of them into 5 groups: Wallets, DeFi, Games and NFTs, Tools (usually for devs) and Other Apps (Voting, libraries, AI, etc.).


Argent X — The main StarkNet wallet to interact with tokens and DApps. “Earn, stake and trade with low fees, high speeds & strong security”.
Twitter | Discord | YouTube | GitHub

FoxWallet — A user-friendly Web3.0 entrance built for multi-chain ecosystems. The mission of FoxWallet is to provide secure and stable mobile wallet experience and mine related technical services.
Twitter | Discord | Telegram

Multisig — Multi-signature functionality for StarkNet wallets.


Aave — Decentralised non-custodial liquidity market protocol (deposit/borrow). First phase - bridge, then, the whole protocol will be imported.
Twitter | Discord | Telegram | GitHub | Docs

Banxa — Payment service provider for the digital assets industry.
Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Linkedin | Docs

CurveZero — Protocol for geting fixed-rate USD loans at any duration.
Twitter | GitHub | Docs

FujiDAO — A cross-chain auto-refinancing borrow protocol, aims to give the best borrow rate on market.
Twitter | Discord | Telegram | GitHub | Docs

JediSwap — Fully permissionless and composable AMM (Automated Market Maker) on StarkNet. That’s the place to swap, zap, stake and add liquidity to the pools, using your own tokens.
Twitter | Discord

Magnety — On-chain asset management protocol that allows users to get the most out of DeFi. The protocol helps to create a highly customizable vault depending on your investment strategy.
Twitter | Discord

Maker — Enables the generation of DAI in return for depositing Ethereum-based tokens as a collateral.
Twitter | Reddit | Telegram | GitHub | Docs

Myswap — AMM for swapping and providing liquidity.
Twitter | Discord | Telegram

Sandclock — The next generation of Wealth Creation. Start saving, investing and donating with solutions that hold a better future for you and our planet.
Twitter | Discord | Telegram | GitHub | Medium

Serity — Community-owned protocol powering the creation and trading of yield-backed synthetic assets (derivatives).
Twitter | GitHub | Medium

SithSwap — Next-generation AMM featuring stable and volatile swaps with ultra-low slippage & fees and gauged rewards.
Twitter | Discord | Telegram

Suez — ETH-StarkNet bridge and DeFi pooling.
Twitter | GitHub

Stark Defi — Permissionless and trustless hub of comprehensive Defi solutions built to leverage the ZK-Rollup on StarkNet L2 over Ethereum L1. Considered to be the main ultimate DeFi platform.
Twitter | Discord | Telegram | GitHub| Medium

Stark Swap — Next-gen DeFi powered by public ZK-Rollup technology (swaps, pools, faucet, etc.).
Twitter | Discord | Telegram | GitHub | Medium

xBank — Decentralised non-custodial liquidity market protocol for both lenders and borrowers. The protocol protects lenders from risks of illiquidity and insolvency and give an appropriate risk management protection for borrowers at the same time.
Twitter | Discord | Telegram | GitHub | Medium | Docs

ZigZag — Order-book based Decentralised Exchange built on ZK-Rollups. Launched on zkSync and StarkNet.
Twitter | Discord | Telegram |GitHub | Docs

ZKEX — Decentralised multi-chain order book DEX built on ZK-Rollups. Users will be able to trade assets from multiple chains with a similar experience as on CEX (Binance, Coinbase, etc.) but instead, ZKEX is decentralised, trust minimized and non-custodial transaction-secured protocol.
Twitter | Discord | Telegram | Medium | Docs

zkLend — L2 decentralised money-market protocol built on StarkNet. The protocol offers a dual solution: a permissioned and compliance-focused solution for institutional clients and a permissionless service for regular DeFi users.
Twitter | Discord | Telegram | Reddit | Medium | Docs

ZKPad — The first launchpad on StarkNet. It offers a safe and decentralised way for users to invest in pre-selected crypto startups.
Twitter | Discord | Telegram | Docs

ZKX — Permissionless protocol for derivatives built on StarkNet for off-chain asset trading and gamified user experience.
Twitter | Discord | Telegram | Linkedin | Medium

Games and NFTs

Bitmap Box — An on-chain block-building game, allowing users to create new games on top of its open protocol.
Twitter | Discord | Github

Briq — NFT building and composition protocol. “Get some briqs and build the dream”.
Twitter | Discord | GitHub

Dope Wars — Modular and extendable DAO-governed gaming based on the DOPE NFT and $PAPER, the ecosystem currency.
Twitter | Discord | Telegram

Eykar —A decentralized strategy game of conquest powered by StarkNet. Players can conquer huge territories through alliances and wars.
Twitter | Discord | Github

Exothium — A community driven ecosystem of writers, adventurers, artists and developers.
Discord | GitHub

GoL2 — Conway’s Game of Life on StarkNet! Come and progress to a new generation, or create your own life. Powered by StarkWare.

IBetYou — A permissionless blockchain protocol that allows you to bet any amount of tokens with anyone on anything.
Twitter | Telegram | Medium

ImmutableX — Ethereum’s leading NFT scaling platform. Will be a decentralized liquidity layer for NFTs on StarkNet. Experience zero gas fees, instant trades, and carbon neutral NFTs for marketplaces, games, and applications without compromise.
Twitter | Discord | Telegram | Reddit | YouTube | Snapshot | Docs

Influence — A crypto-native space strategy game set in a realistic asteroid belt with real-time orbital dynamics.
Twitter| Discord

Kubri — L2-L1 Bridge for the ERC1155 (NFT).

Loot Realms — Open source MMOCCG (Massively Multiplayer On-Chain Composable Game) of economics and Chivalry.
Twitter| Discord

Mint Square — NFT Platform on Ethereum Layer 2 ZK Rollup.
Twitter | Discord

MyHero — MyHero is the first RPG game on StarkNet. Players can summon hero characters and raised by fighting monsters, upgrading to earn rewards and benefits.
Twitter | Discord| Telegram

Redline — Giant robot NFT racing and engineering. Deep Strategy and Drama Game.
Twitter | Discord

The Ninth — The first Metaverse game powered by StarkNet. The 9th world has multi-epoch iterations, trade markets, DAOs, game guilds and virtual buildings. The world is truly owned by users, and land owners can generate various in-game elements and have various gameplay.
Twitter | Discord

Phi — A decentralized metaverse on Starknet, with lands generated from ENS and buildings from On-Chain Activity Data.
Twitter | Notion

Playoasis — An NFT marketplace powered by StarkNet, a ZK rollup L2 on ETH. Buy, Sell, and Create in the meta economy.
Twitter | Discord | Telegram | GitHub

Qasr — L1<>L2 NFT framework&bridge.

StarkNet Fractals — Generating the Mandelbrot Set on Starknet and storing the data to required to reconstruct the plot on-chain. Was created as a proof of concept for leveraging L2s to create fully on chain NFTs.
Twitter| Discord|GitHub


Pathfinder — Starknet full state node written in Rust.
Twitter | GitHub

StarkTx — StarkNet transactions analysis tool.
Twitter | Discord

Voyager — Voyager is a block explorer for StarkNet ecosystem, providing all the capabilities needed in navigating through this ecosystem. It includes not only read-only data but also supports interaction with Starknet contracts.
Twitter | Discord

Hardhat Plugin — A plugin for integrating Starknet tools into Hardhat projects.
Twitter | GitHub

Nile — CLI tool to develop StarkNet projects written in Cairo.

Starknet Devnet — A Flask wrapper of Starknet state. Similar in purpose to Ganache. Aims to mimic Starknet’s Alpha testnet, but with simplified functionality.

StarkNet.js — Javascript library for StarkNet.
GitHub| Docs — Python SDK for StarkNet.
GitHub| Docs

StarkNet.php — A PHP package for interacting with StarkNet.

StarkNet-rs — StarkNet client library in Rust.
GitHub | Library

Warp — A Solidity to Cairo transpiler.

Other Apps

Snapshot X — Decentralized Trusted voting.
Twitter | Discord

Storage Proofs — Verifying Storage Proofs from Ethereum.

Wub — Wub is a decentralized broadcast protocol that allows for a receiver to reserve a time-window in an infinite, continuous queue.

Yagi Finance — Yagi is a network of keepers on StarkNet L2 that automate protocol actions.
Twitter| Discord

Zorro — Web3 citizenship.

The article can be supplemented and edited from time to time, as soon as the latest information becomes available.

StarkNet Socials:
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My Discord handle: hust1e#5157

