Understanding Prompt Injection Attacks: A New Threat to generation AI Models

Hustle smart with technology
4 min readOct 27, 2023


In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of the financial sector. AI models, especially large-language models (LLMs), are now extensively employed in various applications, ranging from content creation and data analysis to customer support and recommendation algorithms. However, this rapid adoption has brought forth a new vulnerability — prompt injection attacks, which pose significant threats to AI models.

What are Prompt Injection Attacks?

Prompt injection attacks have emerged as a new frontier in cybersecurity, affecting AI models, particularly those employing prompt-based learning. The concept of prompts is central to understanding these attacks.

Prompts are essentially the guiding cues or instructions provided to AI language models to steer their responses. They serve as conversation starters, shaping the direction and content of the model’s output. The specificity and quality of a prompt significantly influence the relevance and accuracy of the model’s responses.

For instance, if you ask an AI model, “What’s the best cure for hiccups?” the model will focus on medical-related information and provide remedies based on its training. This seemingly harmless interaction becomes a point of concern when attackers manipulate the prompts to generate harmful responses. They can exploit the model’s output to promote unverified or dangerous treatments, jeopardizing individuals’ well-being and eroding trust in AI models.

Source: Cobalt

The Challenge of Prompt Injection Attacks

The challenge with prompt injection attacks lies in the unpredictability of AI language models’ responses. These models often operate as black boxes, making it difficult to anticipate all inputs that could manipulate the output.

In 2022, researchers demonstrated that instructing LLMs to behave maliciously does not require significant effort. By manipulating user input, future prompt injection attacks could lead to the execution of malicious code, bypassing content filters, and even the leakage of sensitive data. This underscores the importance of addressing this vulnerability in AI models to ensure their reliability and safety.

Prompt injection attacks aren’t exclusive to AI models themselves; they can also occur within applications built on top of these models. For example, in web applications, attackers can inject malicious prompts in the form of JavaScript code through cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. When users direct AI models to interact with compromised pages, the injected prompts execute within their browsers, allowing attackers to steal sensitive information or perform actions on behalf of users.

Source: NCC Group Research Blog

Types of Prompt Injection Attacks

There are two primary methods employed in prompt injection attacks: Passive and Active attacks.

Passive methods involve placing prompts within publicly available sources such as websites or social media posts, which are later retrieved during the AI’s document retrieval process. These attacks are designed to be stealthy and often employ multiple exploit stages or encoding techniques to evade detection.

Active methods, on the other hand, involve delivering malicious instructions to LLMs through well-crafted prompts or by tricking users into entering malicious prompts. These active attacks are more targeted and can have severe consequences, as we’ve seen earlier.

Source: Cobalt

Impact and Countermeasures

The impact of prompt injection attacks on AI models, particularly in the finance sector, can be severe. Attackers can manipulate responses, breach security controls, and even gain access to sensitive data. However, there are strategies to mitigate these threats.

One approach is to stop using prompt-based language models and consider fine-tuning learning models instead. This might be a viable solution for companies that are not heavily reliant on prompt-based models. But for those already using them, it can be challenging to switch.

As the industry grapples with these vulnerabilities, it’s crucial for developers and organizations to work on implementing proper validation and sanitization of user-generated content before using it as a prompt for language models.

Source: NCC Group Research Blog

For a deeper dive into addressing this issue in the context of ChatGPT, you can explore “Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT VIA Prompt Engineering”. Prompt engineering is a powerful technique that optimizes ChatGPT by crafting precise prompts and instructions.

In conclusion, prompt injection attacks are a real and growing concern in the finance industry and AI development. Understanding their mechanisms, implications, and countermeasures is crucial to ensure the security and reliability of AI models.

🟢 Learn more about prompt injection

By staying informed and taking necessary precautions, we can harness the potential of AI models in the finance sector while minimizing the risks associated with prompt injection attacks.



Hustle smart with technology

Passionate about technology and its potential to impact humanity positively. Excited to share about the latest trends in AI!