How to Become an Influencer: My Journey & Tips

Brett Walker
13 min readMar 9, 2024


Are you passionate about creating content and connecting with people? Are you intrigued by the world of influencer marketing and the impact social media influencers have on consumer decisions? If so, you’re in the right place!

In this article, I will take you on a journey through the exciting world of becoming an influencer. I will share my personal experiences, strategies, and tips to help you embark on your own influential journey.

How to Become an Influencer
How to Become an Influencer

The influencer market is a rapidly growing industry, valued at a staggering $16.4 billion in 2022 and expected to reach $21.1 billion in 2023. This is a testament to the power of influencer marketing and the immense potential for growth and success as a social media influencer.

Whether you aspire to build a personal brand, collaborate with your favorite companies, or make a positive impact on others, becoming an influencer can open doors to exciting opportunities and a fulfilling career.

From creating a solid influencer strategy and establishing your unique brand to effectively promoting your content and engaging with your audience, I’ll cover everything you need to know to thrive as an influencer. Are you ready to dive in? Let’s get started!

What is an Influencer?

An influencer is an individual who has the ability to impact the purchasing decisions of others by promoting, recommending, or using products or services on social media platforms. In today’s digital age, social media influencers play a significant role in shaping consumer behavior through their endorsements and recommendations.

Social media influencers have gained a substantial following on platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and more, making them influential figures in their respective niches. These individuals have established themselves as authorities in their field and have built a loyal community of followers who value their opinions and insights.

Influencer marketing has become a powerful strategy for brands to reach their target audience. By collaborating with influencers, brands can leverage their influence and credibility to increase brand awareness, engage with potential customers, and drive sales. Influencers possess the unique ability to connect with their audience on a personal level, creating authentic and relatable content that resonates with their followers.

Whether they are fashion, beauty, fitness, or technology influencers, these individuals have mastered the art of capturing their audience’s attention and building trust. They share their experiences, expertise, and opinions, making them trusted sources of information for their followers.

As an influential person in their niche, an influencer’s role goes beyond product promotions. They also have the power to advocate for social causes, raise awareness about important issues, and foster meaningful conversations within their community.

How to Become an Influencer for a Brand

To become an influencer who works with brands, you need to establish yourself within a specific influencer niche that aligns with your passion and target audience. Choosing the right influencer platform, creating a solid content strategy, starting your own influencer website, and engaging with your audience are crucial steps towards building your influencer brand.

First and foremost, finding your influencer niche is essential. Identify a specific area of expertise or interest that sets you apart from others. This will help you carve out a unique space in the influencer market and attract brands targeting that niche.

Next, you’ll want to select the influencer platform that best suits your niche and target audience. Whether it’s Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, or another platform, make sure your chosen platform aligns with the type of content you want to create and the audience you want to reach.

A well-defined content strategy is crucial for attracting brands. Plan and create content that resonates with your audience, showcases your expertise, and aligns with your brand. Consistency is key, so develop a content calendar and stick to it.

Launching your own influencer website can further strengthen your brand and provide a centralized hub for your audience to engage with your content. This website can also serve as a platform to showcase brand collaborations and establish your professionalism.

Don’t underestimate the power of networking with other influencers in your niche. Collaborating with like-minded individuals can broaden your reach and introduce you to new opportunities. Engage with their content, form genuine connections, and explore mutually beneficial partnerships.

Lastly, create a compelling media kit to pitch yourself to brands. Your media kit should highlight your unique selling points, showcase your best content, and provide relevant statistics about your audience reach and engagement. A well-crafted media kit can be a powerful tool for attracting brand collaborations and securing partnerships.

By following these steps, you’ll position yourself as an influencer in your chosen niche, create valuable content, and establish meaningful connections with brands. Remember, building your influencer brand and developing successful partnerships require dedication, consistency, and a strategic approach.

How to Become an Influencer on Social Media

Building an online community, repurposing content, and staying open to learning new platforms are key to becoming an influencer on social media. As an influencer, connecting with your audience and cultivating a dedicated online community is crucial for long-term success.

One effective strategy is to repurpose your content across different platforms. By adapting your content to suit the specific format and requirements of various social media platforms, you can reach a wider audience and maximize engagement. For example, you can transform your blog posts into visually appealing infographics for platforms like Instagram, or create short video clips for TikTok and YouTube.

Speaking of learning new platforms, staying up-to-date with the latest trends and features is essential for connecting with your target audience. Platforms like TikTok have gained immense popularity among Gen Z audiences, so understanding the platform-specific strategies and trends can help you reach and engage with these users effectively.

Moreover, focusing on becoming a TikTok influencer or a YouTube influencer can offer unique opportunities to showcase your talents and expertise. By leveraging the power of video content on these platforms, you can captivate your audience and establish yourself as a credible source within your niche.

Benefits of Building an Online Community

Building a strong online community is essential for influencers. Not only does it help increase your reach and exposure, but it also fosters a sense of belonging and trust among your followers. Here are some key benefits of cultivating an online community:

  • Increased engagement: A dedicated online community is more likely to engage with your content, through likes, comments, and shares, which can boost your visibility on social media.
  • Deeper connections: By interacting with your followers on a personal level, you can build meaningful relationships and establish yourself as relatable and trustworthy.
  • Word-of-mouth marketing: Your community can become advocates for your brand, sharing your content with their own networks and recommending you to others.
  • Collaboration opportunities: When you have an engaged community, you may attract collaboration requests from other influencers or brands within your niche, opening doors to exciting partnerships and growth opportunities.

Remember, building an online community takes time and effort. Be authentic, responsive, and proactive in engaging with your followers, and you’ll see your community thrive.

By implementing these strategies and embracing the ever-evolving world of social media, you can position yourself as a successful influencer on popular platforms. Keep building your online community, repurposing content across platforms, and staying open to learning new platforms. Your dedication and adaptability will pave the way for influencer success.

Consistency and Progress Tracking

Consistency is key when it comes to maintaining and growing your influencer brand. By establishing a content schedule, tracking your progress, and consistently delivering valuable content to your audience, you can build credibility and attract brands to collaborate with.

Show up for your followers consistently, whether it’s through daily posts, weekly videos, or regular live streams. This level of commitment not only keeps your audience engaged, but it also shows that you are dedicated to your craft and value their support.

Tracking your progress is an important aspect of influencer growth. Use analytics tools provided by social media platforms to measure the reach, engagement, and performance of your content. This data can help you identify what resonates with your audience and make informed decisions on how to improve and optimize your content strategy.

As you track your progress, pay attention to the types of content that generate the most engagement and the platforms where your audience is most active. This information can guide you in refining your content strategy and focusing your efforts where they matter most.

Remember, consistency and progress tracking are not just about the numbers. It’s also about continuously adapting your strategy based on your goals and audience feedback. Take the time to listen to your followers, interact with them, and incorporate their input into your content. This level of engagement not only strengthens your relationship with your audience but also helps you stay relevant and adapt to their changing preferences.

To help you stay motivated and hold yourself accountable, it can be beneficial to set specific goals for your influencer journey. Whether it’s reaching a certain number of followers, securing brand collaborations, or expanding your reach to new platforms, having clear objectives will guide your efforts and drive your progress.

How to Become an Influencer
How to Become an Influencer

Consistency and progress tracking are essential for influencer success. By consistently delivering valuable content, tracking your progress, and adapting your strategy based on your goals and audience feedback, you can build a strong and authentic influencer brand that attracts both followers and brand partnerships.

The Power of Content Strategy

Developing a content strategy is essential for creating high-quality and engaging influencer content. As an influencer, it’s important to provide value to your audience through your content and establish yourself as an authentic and relatable figure in your niche.

Authenticity is a key factor in gaining the trust and loyalty of your audience. By being true to yourself and sharing content that reflects your values and experiences, you can build a genuine connection with your followers. Authentic content resonates with people, making them more likely to engage with and share your content.

Relatability is another crucial element of effective content strategy. Creating content that your audience can relate to and find useful or entertaining will keep them coming back for more. Sharing personal stories, tips, and insights can make your content relatable and encourage your audience to engage with your posts.

Another strategy to consider is balancing curated content, content created by others in your niche, and personal content that showcases your unique personality. Curated content can help you stay up to date with the latest trends and provide valuable information to your audience. Collaborating with other influencers and sharing their content can expand your reach and build relationships within your community. Lastly, sharing personal content allows your audience to see the person behind the influencer and connect with you on a deeper level.

The Importance of Engaging Content

When creating influencer content, it’s crucial to prioritize engagement. Engaging content keeps your audience interested and encourages them to take action, such as liking, commenting, and sharing your posts. To create engaging content, consider the following strategies:

  • Create visually appealing posts that capture attention and encourage scrolling.
  • Ask questions to encourage audience interaction and feedback.
  • Run contests or giveaways to incentivize engagement.
  • Share behind-the-scenes glimpses into your life or the creative process.
  • Experiment with different content formats, such as videos, infographics, or interactive posts.

By implementing these strategies and constantly monitoring your audience’s response, you can refine your content strategy and create content that resonates with your followers. Remember, the power of influencer content lies in its ability to capture attention, engage with the audience, and ultimately, inspire action.

Leveraging Social Media Platforms

When it comes to building your influencer brand, choosing the right social media platform is crucial. By understanding your target audience’s preferences and identifying where other influencers in your niche are most active, you can effectively reach and engage with your desired followers.

There are several prominent social media platforms that offer unique opportunities for content creation and engagement. Let’s take a closer look at a few of them:


How to Become an Influencer
How to Become an Influencer

Instagram is one of the most popular platforms for influencers, offering a visually appealing and highly interactive environment. With its focus on images and videos, it’s a great platform to showcase your creativity and connect with followers through captivating visual content.


TikTok has taken the social media world by storm, especially among younger audiences. As a TikTok influencer, you can create short, engaging videos that showcase your talents, entertain your audience, and capture their attention in just a few seconds.


Twitch is a live streaming platform primarily used by gamers, but it has expanded to include other content categories such as music, art, and lifestyle. If you have a passion for gaming or any other live-streamable content, becoming a Twitch influencer can be a great way to connect with a dedicated and interactive community.


Pinterest is the go-to platform for inspiration, DIY ideas, and lifestyle content. As a Pinterest influencer, you can curate visually appealing boards that showcase your expertise and share valuable content with your followers.


YouTube is a powerful platform for creating long-form video content and building a loyal fanbase. As a YouTube influencer, you can share in-depth tutorials, vlogs, reviews, or any other content that resonates with your target audience.

Remember, each platform has its own dynamics and user base. It’s essential to understand these nuances and tailor your content strategy accordingly to maximize your visibility, engagement, and growth as an influencer.

Pitching Yourself to Brands

If you want to secure influencer collaborations and brand partnerships, it’s crucial to be proactive and pitch yourself to brands. By taking the initiative, you can showcase your brand and ideas, increasing your chances of working with the brands you admire. Here are some effective strategies to help you pitch yourself as an influencer:

  1. Leverage Influencer Networks: Join influencer networks and platforms that connect influencers with brands looking for partnerships. These networks can provide you with opportunities to pitch your ideas and showcase your work to a wide range of brands.
  2. Pitch Brands Directly: Don’t be afraid to reach out to brands directly through email or social media direct messages. Craft a compelling pitch that highlights your unique value proposition and how you can help the brand achieve its goals. Personalize each pitch to demonstrate your knowledge of the brand.
  3. Create a Professional Media Kit: A media kit is an essential tool for influencers. It showcases your brand, audience demographics, past collaborations, and metrics to potential brand partners. Having a well-designed and informative media kit can help you make a strong impression and stand out from other influencers.
  4. Set Your Rates: Before pitching yourself to brands, determine your rates based on factors such as your reach, engagement, and the scope of the collaboration. Setting your rates shows brands that you value your work and are serious about creating meaningful partnerships.

Remember, when pitching yourself to brands, focus on highlighting the unique benefits and value you bring to the collaboration. Show your passion, creativity, and authenticity, and be prepared to negotiate and communicate your worth effectively.

How to Become an Influencer
How to Become an Influencer

Take It to the Next Level with Influencer Collaborations

One powerful way to establish your brand and gain exposure is through influencer collaborations. Collaborating with other influencers can help you tap into their audience and expand your reach. It’s an opportunity to leverage each other’s strengths and create compelling content that resonates with both sets of followers.

When considering influencer collaborations, look for influencers who share a similar target audience or have complementary niches. This ensures that the collaboration feels authentic and provides value to both audiences. Collaborations can take various forms, such as guest appearances on each other’s channels, joint giveaways or promotions, or even creating co-branded content.

By collaborating with other influencers, you can tap into their expertise and learn from their experiences. It’s also a chance to forge valuable relationships within your industry and open doors for future brand partnerships. Collaborations can help you reach new followers, increase your engagement, and establish yourself as an influential voice in your niche.


Becoming a successful influencer requires dedication, consistency, and a strategic approach. Throughout my influencer journey, I have learned valuable tips that can help you find your path to influencer success. By following these guidelines, you can navigate the ever-changing landscape of social media and build a thriving influencer brand.

Finding your niche is crucial in establishing your unique identity as an influencer. By focusing on your passion and target audience, you can create content that resonates with your followers and sets you apart from the competition. Choose the right platform that aligns with your audience’s preferences and where other influencers in your niche are active. This will maximize your reach and engagement, allowing you to build a strong online presence.

Creating engaging content is key to capturing the attention of your audience and attracting brands. Balancing curated and personal content, and showcasing authenticity and relatability, will help you build trust and credibility. Networking with other influencers also plays a vital role in your influencer journey. Collaborating, learning from each other, and cross-promoting can expand your reach and open doors to new opportunities.

Finally, pitching yourself to brands is an essential step towards monetizing your influence. Craft a professional media kit and set your rates to showcase your value. Whether reaching out through influencer networks or directly contacting brands, a well-crafted pitch can help you secure brand partnerships and collaborations that align with your personal brand.

Remember, influencer success doesn’t happen overnight. It requires continuous learning, adaptation, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends in the industry. With dedication, consistency, and a strategic mindset, you can embark on a rewarding influencer journey and achieve your goals in the ever-evolving world of social media.

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