A tech update from the Hut34 Labs

Published in
3 min readFeb 10, 2018

We’ll be bringing you regular tech updates as our dev progresses, and generally speaking the telegram channel (t.me/hut34 ) gets some advanced warning, and more regular updates, so do join us there if you’re so inclined.

This is not Hut code, but it is code, and it is colourful.

The focus of this update relates both to liquidity of the Entropy Token, and also some important early wins in the development of the Hut34 Protocol. We’ve made progress on these fronts through exploration and r&d work relating to the 0x protocol.

First, let’s recap the primary technical challenges we believe we need to find solutions to; The Hut34 protocol has 4 key planks of functionality, being ‘Connect, Route, Resolve, Monetise’ — the ERC20 nature of the Entropy Token means that the Monetise layer will exist on the ethereum blockchain, and the current Hut Platform provides existing functionality to connect bots on all the major platforms to Hut34 — this is currently through a centralised system.

We strongly believe that a process of incremental decentralisation will provide the best solutions as we build out our platforms (and more on that term later in its own post!). This is where 0x comes in.

0x at its simplest is the off-chain sharing of on-chain instructions, specifically signed transactions which facilitate their core mission of trustless trading in ERC20 tokens. Under the 0x model, centralised websites such as RadarRelay can provide a front end to both display order books from the shared liquidity pool, and allow their users to make their own orders, or take others’ — you can take it for a spin and go and purchase some ENTRP right now!

We’re excited by that purely for its own sake, but it’s an obvious abstraction from our point of view to consider extending the 0x protocol to propose new data objects containing bot request and response data. In fact, that’s exactly what we’re working on, and standing on the shoulders of giants is helping us accelerate our dev.

The data objects we’re proposing and the transport / communication of such form what we are terming HutX — our first draft of a decentralised Hut34 protocol to facilitate the the routing and resolution of queries across our network.

We’re not quite ready for collaboration or demonstration yet, but that is very much our aim, so stay tuned for more updates on that front!

Almond, the open source virtual assistant

In addition to our work on HutX and 0x, the labs have been taking a look at the great work out of Stanford on ‘Almond’ — Almond is an open source virtual assistant that we can already envisage playing a role within the Hut architecture. You can see the codebase here, and this is a project we think will be many weeks to explore, but well worth it — we’ll report back with the outcomes of our experiments.

That’s all for now, our Agile team is working two week sprints, so we’ll post another update in a fortnight,

Onwards and Hutwards!



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The Agile Data Company. We solve data problems, because data solves problems.Hut34 is building the tools for the new data economy.