Entropy Token Reissuance

2 min readDec 19, 2017


This is an important announcement — please read carefully and join us on telegram to discuss further, or email the team with any questions.

Moving forward, as a team.

Following our successful token sale, we committed to ensure all tokens were distributed within two weeks of the close of the main sale, and we remain on target to hit this milestone. However, two significant developments have occurred which require us to now reissue the token contract, and update all balances accordingly.

Our main sale contract contained a ‘transfer to many’ function, the intention of which was to facilitate the distribution of tokens to people who purchased tokens using fiat, altcoins, or as part of our ‘whitelist’ process. Unfortunately, an error in the tool we built to use this function resulted in many participants receiving double their allocation of tokens.

Obviously this error grossly manipulates the correct token distribution, and is unfair and incorrect for all.

In addition, a few participants have raised, and we share, some concerns around the use of ‘ENT’ as our ticker, given that we share it with another token; we welcome the opportunity to move forward with ‘ENTRP’ as our official ticker, to avoid confusion.

To resolve the above, we will be redeploying our token contract, and passing all correct balances from the various stages of the sale to the new contract. This will all be completed verifiably, and anyone can review the process at any time through the blockchain, or a block explorer such as etherscan.io

We expect to be able to complete the token reissuance before close of business Thursday — so ahead of our 22nd Dec commitment.

We recognise this to be a difficult and significant decision, but remain fully committed to moving forward in a clear and transparent fashion for the good of all token holders, and importantly to drive the Hut34 Project forwards.

A consequence of the above is that we strongly discourage any transfers of the current token. We also suggest that you do not trade any tokens on websites such as etherdelta, as the token traded will not be integrated into the Hut34 Platform or Network, and will not form part of our project.

We remain humbled and thrilled at the potential for our project moving forward, and thank you once again for your support,

Onwards and Hutwards!

The Hut34 Team




The Agile Data Company. We solve data problems, because data solves problems.Hut34 is building the tools for the new data economy.