Goodbye Slack…Hello Rocket.Chat!

2 min readSep 27, 2017


Onwards and Hutwards….

We continually strive to implement best practice in all areas of the Hut34 Project. When it comes to communication we are committed to facilitating a free flowing conversation about our project. It is critical to the ongoing development of the platform that network stakeholders can freely convey their thoughts to the team and help us steer it in the right direction.

That said, it has unfortunately become increasingly clear that the current environment for this — our public Slack channel — does not meet our requirements. Primarily designed for internal discussions, our experience has shown that Slack lacks the necessary tools to efficiently manage large, open communities.

Productive contributions on the channel have been drowned out by fake accounts and phishing scams. We cannot support any environment where network stakeholders are subject to false or misleading information, and Slack evidently does not have the functionality for administrators to prevent this from occurring.

As a result, the Hut34 team has decided that moving the discussion to the open source Rocket.Chat platform is the logical solution. In doing so, we will be following in the footsteps of other outstanding blockchain projects like Aragon and OmiseGO.

More control over the communications channel will make the facilitation of a productive community conversation exponentially easier. So for those who have been, or wish to genuinely contribute to the conversation, we invite you to join us on our new RocketChat forum.




The Agile Data Company. We solve data problems, because data solves problems.Hut34 is building the tools for the new data economy.