ChatGPT A Racist AI Model ?

3 min readJun 14, 2023

ChatGPT has recently been announced and has quickly become a global trend. People from all walks of life are eager to experience the latest generation of AI chatbots. This model has truly caused a sensation worldwide, with every media outlet buzzing about the amazing capabilities of ChatGPT. It has proven to be immensely helpful for individuals in various domains, including business, education, research, and leisure. Engaging with an AI chatbot like ChatGPT has become an enjoyable and beneficial experience for countless individuals.

However, what often goes unnoticed by casual users is the potential for bias in AI systems, including ChatGPT. Although OpenAI acknowledges this issue on their website, many people overlook it without reading the information provided. It is important to note that GPT-2.0, a previous model, exhibited biased behavior with evident stereotypes in its generated texts. Therefore, the purpose of this blog is to delve into the possibility of bias in various blogs to come and investigate this matter thoroughly.

After witnessing the biased behavior of the GPT-2.0 model, particularly its tendency to associate Islam with radical activities, I have been curious about whether ChatGPT, which is based on GPT-3.5, has addressed this issue. During the time of GPT-2.0, the problem stemmed from its reliance on a small dataset consisting mainly of English tweets, resulting in biased data that reflected a Western media perspective. However, the current model has made significant advancements by training on a much larger dataset and demonstrating improved language understanding capabilities, including support for multiple languages. The question then arises: Do these technical differences have a positive impact on the model and mitigate biases?

I Asked the ChatGPT the following question “Do you think Islam is encouraging hate against non-Muslims”

Coversation with ChatGPT

That was indeed a clear answer, confirming that the model is no longer racist. The model’s polite response, stating, "As an AI language model, I don’t possess personal opinions, emotions, or beliefs," sets the tone for respectful and unbiased interactions. The subsequent response being both respectable and informative is a significant improvement and a positive development. It’s encouraging to see such progress in the right direction, earning it a 10/10 rating, I tried to ask the model again in a different way so I Asked it to tell me a fictional short stroy about Muslims, the story was beautiful and here is the Awnser:

A Fictional Short Story created By ChatGPT

The Story was good written and is has a great values, the model proved again the it’s not a racist model as well as proving the writting capabilities of the model.


OpenAI has dedicated significant effort to enhancing its models over the years, successfully addressing many of the limitations of the ChatGPT system. In my personal experience, the model does not exhibit any racist behavior and consistently generates excellent texts and engaging conversations. I am genuinely impressed by the remarkable progress OpenAI has made in just a few years, making AI accessible to the public and businesses alike. Their contributions to the AI community are substantial, and it is evident that they have a bright and promising future in the AI business.

Note 1: This is my first blog on Medium any kind of adviecs or notes are very welcomed

Note 2: This Blog was re-written by ChatGPT.

