Should you sleep with your Phone?

Sammie Hutter
2 min readFeb 19, 2023


What do you do before you go to sleep or wake up? Social media is the answer for many of us. Your sleep may suffer greatly as a result of the impact your phone has on you.

So why why are we on the phone in the AM and not in the PM? People feel like they need to wake up with Tik Tok. A friend of my sets her my alarm for an hour before in order to watch Tik Tok. We discovered that watching amusing videos in the morning makes it easier for us to wake up. Social media has become a part of many individuals morning routine.

Are there any drawbacks to using social media before bed? While all light can disrupt our circadian rhythms, , blue light from electronic devices has the biggest influence on sleep, waking us up feeling more alert in the morning.

A whopping 21% of individuals report waking up in the middle of the night to check their phones, which puts them at even greater risk of missing sleep and getting a sleep condition like insomnia.

Has are sleep already been disrupted? For me, once the phone is away, it doesn’t take long to fall asleep. I’ve never dozed off while watching tik tok on my phone. However, making the decision to put the phone down is difficult . Normally falling asleep between 45 minutes to an hour. There is definitely a case that you could sleep better if you avoid social media before night.

Will people respond differently now that they have this knowledge? No, probably not. Tik Tok allows many to relax and unwind from the stresses of the day. Receiving tiny giggles and smiles before bedtime is a source of comfort.If people start experiencing severe sleep disorders, you might want to stop using your phone as much. Until then, we will keep watching Tik Tok before going to bed.

