The rise of QR Codes: Best Websites to Generate a FREE QR Code & their many uses

Huxley Peckham
4 min readSep 9, 2022


Since the evolution of the barcode on most of the goods we have today, the next step is shifting these into QR code form.

This article will discuss some use cases for QR codes and why they will be a driving part of the digital economy. Enjoy.

  1. QR codes are secure
  2. QR codes are perfect for digital assets
  3. Augmented Reality NEEDS QR codes
  4. Some examples of companies in this space

Let’s start with the fact that any other form of “Contactless” wireless transfer requires some form of radio frequency, such as bluetooth, wifi and NFC. Posing a serious risk to security as hackers have absolute pay days when they can run through a crowd and push radio frequencies through your pants.

yes… your pants, right through your butt.

If this isn't enough of a deterrent, imagine a world where we have our bank accounts are linked to these wireless cards. Enabling bad actors to steal your funds as easy as one little swipe. Oh wait… we live in that world + its growing in adoption.

SO, why are QR codes more secure? Think about it… if you can’t see the code, you can NOT scan the code, and therefore will NOT expose you to these risks. You might be thinking of all of the surrounding cameras that could scan codes out there.

Well, just cover the code with your hat if you’re really paranoid, and let the person next you put their phone under the hat. Simple.

This is whats called “air gapped” in the blockchain hardware wallet world, and allows secure contactless payments for cryptocurrency and many other assets. Search it up.

Also in a world where glasses have the ability to layer holograms over the real world around us will be reliant on this technology in particular. It’s already being implemented in construction sites. Where QR codes indicate the start of a beam to increase accuracy of holograms that display the various layers of engineering models / diagrams hidden behind the concrete (or whatever material is shrouding your view of structure)

QR codes can start a series of infographics displays along with increasing the accuracy of the hologram alignment — credit

What companies are using these? Think Google, McDonald’s, Disney… heck even Netflix hid secret codes as an easter egg hunt for their latest release of Love, Death & Robots. Where if you found the code, you could download a free NFT of a unique high quality landscape wallpaper of that episode. Again, a good search if you feel like a story.

QR code tiger offer some great tools for doing this which you can find below. I have noticed that the codes don’t always work if you get to artsy with the designs. Simpler the better. Also they offer WiFi QR codes which the other competitors haven’t done yet.

Qr-code tiger dashboard

One of my favourites is beaconstac, which have a very smooth user experience and a better looking digital business card (highly recommend for networking). Their business tools and support are also higher value than the previous companies, so if your looking at paid solutions, they might be a go.

beaconstac dashboard

The last one, DScan, is very new and I would not recommend if you’re a newbie at this, which allows decentralised file transfers using the blockchain. This means that any files you upload are not stored on a central server. Handy to use but also not very user friendly just yet. Still worth a try.

Lastly, there’s an honourable mention to a company that has invested in building web 3 applications around this tech. Their name is Decentral Life, and they are an incubator for projects that could be responsible for mass on ramping of users into the web 3 space, with a background in events and incubation, they are worth keeping on a watch list.

In summary, the world of QR codes is set to change the way we do things in a contactless, cashless digitally driven economy. With security at heart and decentralised alternatives emerging, we should see a fairer go for all. As value exchange is transformed and new markets are created. Sharing will be easier than ever before!



Huxley Peckham

Educator and Consulting Engineer — I write about technology and knowledge that will change your everyday lives