Tips to Find the Best Mortgage Brokers and their Types

Pierpoint Mortgage Alexandria
4 min readAug 24, 2020


We all dream of having our own house and for that, financial support is really important. Home loan is the best options for those who have a dream of becoming a home owner. Giving high-interest rates to banks cannot be a good option. The next option that comes is mortgage brokers who can help us get loans on a low-interest rate. Now, the question that comes in mind is how? The answer to this question is here. They act as an intermediary who brings the mortgage lender and the mortgage borrower together but does not utilize his/her own funds to generate mortgages.

Talking about them, there are different types of mortgage brokers and to find the best one, a little research is to be done. Here are some points that would tell you about the types of mortgage brokers.

Types of mortgage brokers you can come across

  1. Pure Mortgage Broker: Talking about these kinds of brokers, they work purely as brokers. They meet capable borrowers and study their financial information. The borrower does the down payment to the broker so that the lenders could get their cost paid. This money is kept by the broker as a trust until he files an applicant and shops for potential and good lenders. Once the lender accepts the applicant and the deal closes, the broker gets a fee called loan origination fee paid for the services he has provided to the borrower.
  2. Correspond Mortgage Broker: These mortgage brokers are different from Pure mortgage brokers. They make the loan in their name with the funds given by the banks or some other company. They are required to shift the loan on behalf of the same company. These types of brokers are identified for acting as a lender and closing the documents. Once the closing is done, brokers need to transfer the funds back to the lender, he took funds from. Basically, they are the agents of the lenders and do not want to take any type of risk of fluctuating interest rates, etc. They have a fixed loan origin fee according to the amount of loan they give to the borrowers.
  3. Lending Mortgage Broker: They are the brokers who use other kinds of funding sources or their line of credit without the commitment to sell or to give loan to the third party who is providing the funds. These brokers are risk-takers of fluctuating interest rates and advance the funds to the borrower and bear the risk. They get their loan origin fee when the interest rates are high.

These are 3 types of Mortgage specialists you can come across, so just check about the one you prefer to choose. Also, be careful while choosing the type of broker because if you choose the wrong broker, the table can turn around on the bad side.

Now here are some tips that you will need before choosing the best brokers among many.

Tips to find the best Mortgage Brokers

  1. Increase your credit score: Not all people can qualify to get loans. They have to fulfill some income and credit criterion so that mortgage companies can build up trust that you will repay the loan in the given time. A low credit score builds up signals that lending you money can get risky which can also mean that they would increase your interest rate for the loan. The more one time payments you do and the higher your credit score is, it will become easier for you to negotiate and get a loan on low-interest rate with capable lenders. To build up your credit card score, firstly, you need to pay off all the debts.
  2. Know the lending experts well: Knowing about the experts will help you select the best ones in the crowd of lending field. Here are some types of lenders you may want to look at before finding the experts of it:
  • Credit unions
  • Mortgage Bankers
  • Correspondent lenders
  • Loans and saving
  • Mutual saving banks

Also, check that the lender you choose is registered and verified.

3. Get Approved Finally: Getting a pre approval mortgage letter is very important for you before you start to think about the work that you are going to do from the loan amount you get. It also saves a lot of time afterward. If you are going to invest the funds you get, this letter will help to build up an image in front of the seller, that you are a serious buyer. To get approved, the lender would require some documents and information that include:

  • Employee and salary information
  • Tax return of two years
  • Any outstanding debt such as car loans, credit card and other balances
  • Information on the amount you are going to pay as a down payment

These are some of the required information by the lender. Also, if you get approved by two or more lenders, you can compare them and their rates that they charge and choose the best one.

4. Ask all the questions and don’t forget to see the fine print: Before taking any final decision, it is good to ask questions. You can ask your friends and family to give you lender referrals. Also, your real estate agent can help you. Once you get your list prepared, you need to check the way they communicate to their customers, how quick is their response, do they take any fee for consultation or directly add up to the loan interest, what lender fee would they be charging, down payment methods, etc.

These are some important pinpoints you will always need to remember before hiring the best mortgage broker for a loan. Talking about the best, PierPoint Mortgages cannot be forgotten. They provide the best mortgage services with a lot of experience. Also, it is a team of professionals that work for this company.



Pierpoint Mortgage Alexandria

PierPoint Mortgage was founded in 2003, is a nationwide Mortgage Broker and has over 50 years of mortgage experience.