Are Gardening Gloves Waterproof and Machine Washable?

Huzaifa Adnan
5 min readAug 10, 2022


Photo by Zachary Keimig on Unsplash

Want to wash your smelly gardening gloves? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

Gardening is very popular around the world. In fact, in 2020, 55% of Americans engaged in gardening and by 2024, the global gardening market is predicted to reach 127 Billion US Dollars.

With gardening being as popular as it is, gardening gloves are also very popular — the problem with these is that they will be dirty, smelly, and musty after every gardening session.

However, did you know that apart from mud, innumerable bacteria are lingering on your gardening gloves that can harm you and cause diseases?

And of course, to get rid of all that mud and bacteria, you need to wash your gloves! But are gardening gloves even waterproof? How do you clean them if they are not waterproof? Do you just let those bacteria dawdle around and have fun!

Cleaning gardening gloves can be tricky. While a technique that works for one type of glove, may not work for the other and might even destroy it.

So, Are Gardening Gloves Waterproof?

Photo by Vince Fleming on Unsplash

Now the main question arises, are gardening gloves waterproof? While not all gardening gloves are waterproof, yes, most of them are constructed to be water-resistant and waterproof. Due to the messy nature of gardening, it requires water resistant gardening gloves. Moreover, research also supports you to wash your gloves as it can reduce your chances of catching bacteria.

However, it is important to know how to wash your gardening gloves. Waterproof and non-waterproof gardening gloves have different features. But how do you identify your glove?

There are three different types of gardening gloves:

  • Cotton/Fabric/Silk gloves: Made out of the same fabric as your clothes, these gloves are waterproof and also water resistant. Cotton gardening gloves or silk gardening gloves are often used for lightweight tasks like strumming and mowing. They are considered the best waterproof gardening gloves as you can wash them like any of your cotton/silk clothes.
  • Leather/Suede gloves: These gloves are made out of animal skin. Due to their sturdy nature, they are the most protective gardening gloves used for tasks like plantation and moving boulders. However, these gloves are not waterproof. Genus gardening gloves and Briers gardening gloves are some popular leather gloves.
  • Latex/Rubber/Nitrile gloves: Due to their tensile strength, nitrile gloves like the Niwaki gardening gloves are tear-resistant — making them the best gardening gloves to shield against thorns and insects, to prevent cuts and bites. Unlike leather gloves, these are waterproof and water-resistant, which is why they are so popular around the world. Statistics show that by 2025, the latex glove market is expected to reach 97 Million USD in Europe alone! Moreover, the Mytop Gardening Gloves are also made of nitrile which are the best gardening gloves for small hands.

Still not sure if your gloves are waterproof? Check the user manual or visit the glove seller’s website.

Are Gardening Gloves Machine Washable?

Well, the best answer to this question is — it depends. Whether gardening gloves are machine washable or not depends on the type of material. For the most part, only cotton and latex gloves are machine washable garden gloves.

How to Wash Gardening Gloves in The Washing Machine?

Before we start, don’t forget that you can only put cotton/fabric and latex/nitrile gloves in the washing machine. Now that this is clear, let's start:

First things first, put your gardening gloves in a mesh zipper to keep them together. Now, toss the zipper in the washing machine but make sure you don’t mix up white clothes with colored gloves. Put in detergent and let the machine run for 10 minutes before removing your gloves.

Also, even though these gloves are machine washable, it is best to limit this practice as it may cause wear and tear and reduce the life of the gloves.

One type of glove that you should never put in the washing machine is a leather glove. Leather or Suede gloves are of a sensitive nature, and are not made for a machine wash; doing so will break them and render them useless.

Visit your glove seller’s website or check the user manual before tossing your gardening gloves in the washing machine.

How to Clean Smelly Gardening Gloves?

Photo by Mari Potter on Unsplash

Now that you know whether your gloves are waterproof and machine washable, you should also know how to utilize those features in the right way. Here’s how to clean your waterproof gloves:

For cotton/fabric gloves, soak or wash them in lukewarm water for around 10 minutes. Rub off the dirt and apply soap or detergent, make sure to avoid cold water as it may cause them to shrink. Alternatively, you could also toss them in the washing machine.

For Leather/suede gloves, you need to be very careful. Direct contact with water for long periods will damage these gloves. Start by brushing off dirt with a toothbrush or a regular brush. Use a soft, wet fabric to dampen the glove and gently massage saddle soap. Gently dab off the soap with a wet towel or delicately wash it with your hands. Whatever you do, don’t put your leather gloves in the washing machine.

For Rubber/Latex/Nitrile gloves, simply spray with a water pipe while you are in the garden. These gloves are the easiest to clean as you can directly apply soap and rinse while wearing them. Make sure you always use cold water for these gloves as hot water can deform them. If you want, you may also use a washing machine.

Some Important Tips and Tricks

Are Gardening Gloves Waterproof and Machine Washable? You probably know the answer to that question now. Before you go off, here are some bonus tips to make your gardening gloves last longer:

  • Wash and clean your gardening gloves after every session.
  • Always look at the instructional manual before watering your gloves or putting them in the washing machine for specific directions.
  • Always dry your gloves after washing/cleaning them. Make sure to dry them inside-out and ensure they are getting significant air circulation. If your glove is not dried properly, it can become moldy and host fungus.
  • After drying, also store your gloves in a dry place to protect them from dampness and mildew.
  • Before storing leather gloves, massage them with oil (mink or flax seed) to maintain form.
  • Avoid machine washing your gloves to save them from hard wear and to extend their lifespan.

Regularly clean your gardening gloves. Also, make sure to cleanse your hands before and after gardening to defend yourself against diseases and bacteria.

Happy Gardening!

