How to Generate Stock Market Discord Alerts Using Webhooks in Python

Huzaifa Zahoor
5 min readApr 25, 2023


In this article, we’ll explore how to create Discord alerts that notify you when the stock market is moving using Python and Discord webhooks.

Discord is a popular messaging app that has grown in popularity over the years, and it has a lot of potential for automating different tasks. One such task is generating stock market alerts using webhooks in Python.

What is Discord webhooks?

Discord webhooks are a way to send data to a Discord channel programmatically. When you create a webhook, you are given a URL that can be used to send data to a specific channel on your Discord server. Webhooks can be used to automate different tasks, such as sending notifications or alerts to your Discord channel.

How to Create Discord Webhooks

To create a webhook on Discord, you need administrator access to a server. Follow these steps to create a webhook:

  1. Open Discord and select the server where you want to create a webhook.
  2. Click on the server settings icon (the gear icon) next to the server's name.
  3. Select “Integrations” from the left-hand menu.
  4. Click on the “Create Webhook” button.
  5. Give your webhook a name and choose the channel where you want to send the alerts.
  6. Click on “Copy Webhook URL” to get the URL of the webhook.

How to Generate Stock Market Alerts Using Python and Discord Webhooks

Now that you have created a webhook on Discord, you can use Python to generate stock market alerts that will be sent to your Discord channel. Follow these steps to get started:

Installing the Requests Library

Install the requests library by running the following command in your terminal:

pip install requests

Defining a Function to Send Discord Alerts

Import the requests library and define a function that will send the alerts to your Discord webhook. Here’s an example function that sends a message to a webhook:

import requests

def send_discord_alert(webhook_url, message):
payload = {"content": message}, json=payload)

Generating Stock Market Alerts in Python

To generate the stock market alerts, we’ll be using the Alpha Vantage API to fetch the latest stock market data for the S&P 500.

Alpha Vantage is a provider of financial market data, offering real-time and historical stock market data for a variety of exchanges, as well as cryptocurrency data. They offer a free API that provides up to 5 API requests per minute and up to 500 API requests per day.

To get started with Alpha Vantage, you’ll need to create an account and obtain an API key. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to the Alpha Vantage website ( and click on the “Get Your Free API Key Today” button.
  2. Fill out the registration form with your details and click on the “Get Free API Key” button.
  3. You’ll be taken to a page with your API key. Copy the API key to your clipboard.

With your API key in hand, you can now use the Alpha Vantage API to fetch the latest stock market data for the S&P 500 (or any other stock or index that you’re interested in). Here’s an example API URL that fetches the latest data for the S&P 500:

In this URL, “GLOBAL_QUOTE” is the API function that we’re using to fetch the latest data, “SPY” is the symbol for the S&P 500 ETF, and “YOUR_API_KEY” is the API key that you obtained from Alpha Vantage.

Once you’ve fetched the data, you can parse it using Python’s built-in json module and extract the information that you need to generate your Discord alerts. In our example, we're looking at the percentage change in the S&P 500 index and sending an alert to our Discord channel if it moves by more than 1%.

Here’s an example function that generates alerts for the S&P 500:

import requests

def generate_stock_alerts():
webhook_url = "YOUR_DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL" # replace with your webhook URL
api_url = "" # replace with your API URL and API key

response = requests.get(api_url)
data = response.json()
price_change = float(data["Global Quote"]["10. change percent"].strip("%"))

if abs(price_change) >= 1.0:
message = f"The S&P 500 has moved {price_change:.2f}% today."
send_discord_alert(webhook_url, message)

Scheduling the Function to Run at Regular Intervals

To run the generate_stock_alerts() function at regular intervals, we can use a library called schedule. This library allows us to schedule functions to run at specific times or intervals.

import schedule
import time


while True:

To ensure that our script runs continuously on the server, we can use tools like systemd or pm2 to manage our Python script as a service. These tools can ensure that our script is automatically started on boot and restarted if it crashes.

Alternatively, we can use the crontab utility on Ubuntu to schedule our script to run at specific times. This allows us to run our script without the need for external tools or services. We can create a cronjob that runs our script every hour, for example, by adding the following line to our crontab file:

0 * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /path/to/your/

This line tells cron to run our Python script every hour, at minute 0. We can also specify different scheduling options using the crontab syntax, such as running the script every day at a specific time or on specific days of the week.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to automate tasks using cron jobs, check out our article on Automating Tasks with Cron Jobs: A Beginner-Friendly Guide with Examples and Limitations. This article provides a more detailed introduction to cron jobs, including how to create and manage cron jobs on Ubuntu, examples of common cron job tasks, and some of the limitations and considerations when working with cron jobs. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, this guide can help you get started with automating tasks using cron jobs.


In this article, we’ve learned how to use Python and Discord webhooks to generate stock market alerts. By using the Requests library, we were able to send HTTP requests to Discord webhooks and post messages with our stock market data. We also explored how to use the Schedule library to schedule our alert function to run at regular intervals. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should now have a basic understanding of how to use Python and Discord webhooks to generate alerts for your own projects. With a little bit of creativity, you can adapt these techniques to create all kinds of custom alerts and notifications for your applications.



Huzaifa Zahoor

Huzaifa Zahoor is a Python developer and data engineer with over 3 years of experience in building web applications for the stock market.