Chatbot Building Blocks

Supreet HVR
2 min readNov 13, 2018


Max got another red light he pressed the breaks and car came to a halt, he was getting anxious as Joe was already waiting for him at the Starbucks. Max was meeting Joe to discuss the Chatbot for his adventure website. Joe had articulated the advantages of Chatbot last night. .

Max spotted Joe sitting in one of the tables as he entered, he could smell the stew of the coffee, he picked up a white mocha with cream before he settled down with Joe to talk about the Chatbot.

Max started; you got me all interested in creating a Chatbot to answer FAQ’s for my website now tell me what I need to start building one of these. Joe replied sure the basic idea is to create a conversational interface where the user can ask questions and get relevant answers. Max, how do know that my Chatbot is effective? Joe, well there are my measures that we can employ but a very basic idea was proposed by Turing in 1950, it is called the Turing test. Max so what’s the “Turing test”?

The Turing test states that if the user interrogates the Program/Chatbot (say within the given domain), and if the Chatbot responses can make the user believe the responses are from the other human, the test is said to be passed, while this may sound simple it is not very easy to achieve. Max, not a bad first target; a piece of cake. they both burst out in laughter.

Joe continued, let me take you through the basic building blocks of creating a Chatbot,

Chatbot Building blocks
Chatbot Building blocks defined

Max; that sounds awesome, while we need to understand the working of each component a little more in detail, this gives me a good handle of where we are going.

Joe; let me also alert you at this stage of some challenges,

It is straightforward for programs to process data, language can be quite tricky, the Language intelligence needs to be trained and tuned for optimal responses in the given domain.

Natural language generation is a growing science, however, a language which is appreciated by a human user could be a lot of effort to implement, for most requirements this can be overcome by using predefined responses from the knowledge bank.

Max; many thanks, Joe. Let me do some research on this I will talk to again to get to the next steps of building the Chatbot. Joe; Absolutely.

