Stepping Out on Faith: Why Jesus Calls Us to Walk on Water with Waves

Dan You
1 min readApr 3, 2024



In Matthew 14:29–30, Peter courageously steps out of the boat to walk on water towards Jesus. However, when he becomes afraid of the wind and waves, he begins to sink. This narrative prompts us to reflect on why Jesus calls us to face life’s challenges with unwavering faith.

Recently, I faced my own personal storm when I had a car accident. Despite committing to starting my day with Quiet Time(QT) and seeking to recognize Jesus in my daily life, I found myself distracted by worries and doubts. Yet, amidst the chaos, I heard the voice of Jesus assuring me of His care.

As the situation unfolded, I witnessed God’s providence at work. The fault of the accident shifted, and I received unexpected clarity when purchasing a new car. Through this experience, I learned the importance of recognizing Jesus, even in adversity.

Though the waves may stir fear within us, it is through these experiences that we truly come to know who Jesus is. As we navigate life’s storms, may we find courage in stepping out on faith, trusting that Jesus walks beside us, guiding us through every wave.

