Impacts and Challenges of Quantum Computing on Biometric Technology

Huang Hattie
4 min readFeb 21, 2024


Impacts and Challenges of Quantum Computing on Biometric Technology

With the rapid development of technology, quantum computing, as a new mode of computation, is gradually entering people’s vision . Quantum computing has had a profound impact on many fields with its unique computing methods and powerful computing capabilities. In the field of biometric technology, the emergence of quantum computing has also brought a series of impacts and challenges.

I. Impacts of Quantum Computing on Biometric Technology

Improving computing power: Traditional biometric technology is often limited by computing power when performing computationally intensive tasks such as feature extraction and comparison. However, quantum computing, with its parallelism, superposition, and entanglement characteristics, can complete a large number of complex calculations in a short period of time, thereby significantly improving the computing power of biometric technology.

Enhancing data security: Biometric technology involves a large amount of personal sensitive information, such as facial images and fingerprint data. Traditional encryption technologies may become insecure in the face of powerful quantum computing attacks. However, quantum encryption technology utilizes the principles of quantum mechanics to achieve unconditionally secure information transmission and storage, providing strong protection for the security of biometric data.

Promoting technological innovation: The emergence of quantum computing has brought new ideas and methods to biometric technology. By combining quantum computing with biometric technology, more efficient and secure biometric algorithms and models can be developed, promoting continuous innovation and development of biometric technology.

II. Challenges of Quantum Computing on Biometric Technology

Technical implementation difficulties: Although quantum computing has powerful computing capabilities in theory, it still faces many technical challenges in practical implementation. For example, the stability of quantum bits and the control of quantum entanglement are key issues that need to be addressed. These technical challenges will also affect the application of quantum computing in biometric technology.

Privacy protection issues: The powerful computing capabilities of quantum computing may make existing privacy protection methods ineffective. For example, quantum computing can easier crack encryption algorithms, thus stealing biometric data. Therefore, in the era of quantum computing, how to protect the privacy of biometric data has become an urgent issue to be addressed.

Ethical and moral issues: With the development of quantum computing, its impact on biometric technology may raise a series of ethical and moral issues. For example, quantum computing can more accurately analyze and predict personal biological characteristics and behavioral habits, which may infringe on personal privacy and freedom. Therefore, when promoting and applying quantum computing and biometric technology, it is necessary to fully consider ethical and moral factors and formulate reasonable norms and guidelines.

III. Future Prospects

Despite the impacts and challenges that quantum computing brings to biometric technology, we have also seen the tremendous potential and opportunities brought by the combination of the two. In the future, we can work to promote the integrated development of quantum computing and biometric technology from the following aspects:

Strengthening technical research and innovation: Investing more resources and energy in the research and development of quantum computing and biometric technology, overcoming key technical challenges, and promoting the deep integration of the two.

Improving laws, regulations, and regulatory mechanisms: Establishing a sound legal and regulatory framework to regulate the use of quantum computing and biometric technology and protect personal privacy; at the same time, strengthening supervision to prevent technology abuse and infringement.

Enhancing public awareness and acceptance: Increasing public awareness and acceptance of quantum computing and biometric technology through science popularization education, promotion and other means; at the same time, guiding all sectors of society to pay attention to ethical and moral issues and jointly promoting the healthy development of technology.

In conclusion, with the rapid development of technology today, we have reason to believe that through continuous efforts and exploration of innovation, we will be able to achieve a perfect combination of quantum computing and biometric technology and bring more convenience and security to human society.

