The Hexxcoin Vision; An Investor’s Experience

6 min readJul 28, 2018


In the tempestuous frontier world of cryptocurrency investing we live and die with Bitcoin. While BTC can be seen as the only safe haven on the pioneer landscape, at best the top altcoins are but mere strongholds in the back woods. Akin to the gunslinging days of the expanding American west some alts will welcome you in only to bushwhack and cheat leaving you on the dusty trail without a horse, if you are lucky enough to survive the ordeal. One can only endure such treatment so many times before packing it up to seek shelter in the fortress of BTC. Investing in a low market cap altcoin can be even more dire- like going into one of these backwoods whipping posts and sitting down to a game of cards with a deck stacked against you. In the darkness of this low odds high risk game Hexxcoin (HXX) is a beacon of light- pocket aces.

With a total market capitalization just shy of $6.5M USD, Hexxcoin (Currently trading on Cryptopia, Livecoin, Tradesatoshi, CryptoBridge and Blocknet) may first impress as an unnecessarily high-risk play — another coin in a saturated market where investors are a clamor for utility and use case. But for those willing to do their due diligence, Hexx is a refreshingly unique crypto investment opportunity especially at this stage in its development.

The allure of an ICO is the opportunity to get in on the ground floor. But, ICOs have their pitfalls. Investors are often buying into an idea perhaps headed by a strong marketing team with no prior tech development. Or vice versa, early investors may be buying into a project lead by strong developers but whom may lack in business acumen or sense of direction and vision. Ultimately, the investment in ICO may result in holding coins or tokens in a mid to large market cap project that doesn’t have its own blockchain or business model.

Hexxcoin is the antithesis of the ICO. Rather, Hexx is a community focused coin project with a clear sense of its own identity amidst the crowded field of contenders. Hexxcoin is a proof-of-work CPU mineable only/masternode hybrid coin with a 2.5-minute block time. The master XNode yields a whopping ~46% annual ROI in the form of HXX. That is a financial tool that modern banking institutions are certainly not offering the common man. Now, remember that this is crypto and with a low circulating supply of 1.6M HXX (max total 9.999,999 HXX) the value per coin could witness a “lunar event” at any time which with the daily earned node rewards offer a chance to yield a wildly far greater ROI in fiat value. There are several ways to set up your XNode- ChainSilo hosting and the GINplatform are the easiest and charge a reasonable monthly rate which you can save if you are savvy to set up your own XNode. Hexxcoin just announced Shared Xnode services lowering the cost to earn passive income. In the offering of shared nodes, the ease of Xnode setup, and in the practice of CPU mining as a measure against centralization, the values of Hexxcoin come to surface — a democratic currency for the community, accessible for all to mine and use to earn daily income.

The dedication of the core team of developers to this project is evident in the blossoming of the Hexxcoin community. The accessibility of the Hexx Team is unparalleled. Visit their Discord channel and you will see what I mean. Every XNode holder is a highly valued community member and handled in a fashion such as any investment firm would treat a valued client. Having a community full of skilled and dedicated investors has allowed the core team to open the books and welcome in a diverse pool of new team members. The “Hexxtended Team” and community have strengthened the resolve of the core team and aided them in marching the ball on towards the goal line.

For complete security and financial privacy Hexxcoin utilizes the Zerocoin Protocol, a zero-knowledge proof system that does not rely on a trusted setup as does the ZK Snarks protocol (ZCash, BTCP). Zerocoin uses cryptographic encryption for anonymous transactions rather than layers of obfuscation like mixin and Ring CT which are prone to analysis and are also more cumbersome for the blockchain. The user “Mints” a Zerocoin, thereby burning the original HXX coin. When you “Spend” or redeem the Zerocoin you are left with a new HXX coin that has no links to the original. Each transaction you make can stand alone. Furthermore by minting and redeeming a new coin you can protect your assets as your coins cannot be linked to any previous user’s possible illicit activity on the blockchain. Zerocoin is an optional privacy feature so if you require total transparency in spending then you can just send your Hexxcoin normally.

The goal of the Hexx Team and community is to bring these new features — Masternodes, Zerocoin Protocol, faster block time — to the rest of the crypto community. And so they have dubbed Hexxcoin the “ideal privacy forking coin”. Fittingly and rightfully so, the Big Daddy BitCoin will be the first forked on August 31, 2018 to spawn the super coin Bitcoin Zero (BZX). Bitcoin Zero will have its own dedicated team so that Hexx can continue advancing its own development. If you are holding HXX at the time of the snapshot you will receive 10 BZX coins for every one HXX that you hold and for every one BTC you will receive 1 BZX. Encapsulated in this goal and essential to guarantee support is the Hexxchange which will provide immediate liquidity for the new coins.

Now, we are holding these Hexxcoins, earning node rewards AND receiving forked coins practically as dividends? Add to the mix that Hexxchange like other exchanges is proprietary and presents an opportunity to continue further funding the development of Hexxcoin. (That is if they decide to collect trading fees. The Hexxchange will have ZERO trading fees initially.) It starts to feel like we really are on the ground floor of something special here that is proving itself one development, one update at a time.

Given all that I have witnessed thus far in development it is clear to me what the vision is for Hexxcoin. Their vision is not just to achieve successful zerocoin patching and enabling (complete) and not just to offer daily passive income for all levels of investors (achieved). It also goes beyond bringing these advanced features to other crypto communities. The clear vision for Hexxcoin is to become a top 10 cryptocurrency and with a solid foundation in place and much more to come and much still left unsaid here. the sky’s the limit for Hexx!

Frank H. (community member and early investor of Hexxcoin)




GravityCoin is a multifunctional cryptocurrency with a developing ecosystem consisting of DEX, applications, and multiple-blockchain interactions.