HybridBlock Token Sale FAQs

HybridBlock Official
5 min readFeb 9, 2018


We’ve amassed some great coverage in major media outlets over the past few weeks. Please feel free to read and share:

Life after Olympics: Apolo Ohno seeks to launch $50M blockchain platform via FOX Business: http://www.foxbusiness.com/features/life-after-olympics-apolo-ohno-seeks-to-launch-50m-blockchain-platform

Celebrity Edition: Apolo Ohno, HybridBlock via Bitcoin.com: https://podcast.bitcoin.com/e47-Celebrity-Edition-Apolo-Ohno-HybridBlock

How Blockchain Technology Is Making Other Industries More Efficient via NASDAQ: https://www.nasdaq.com/article/how-blockchain-technology-is-making-other-industries-more-efficient-cm930056

Olympic Speed Skater, Gold Medalist Applies Lessons To New Crypto Venture via Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/devinthorpe/2018/02/28/olympic-speed-skater-gold-medalist-applies-lessons-to-new-crypto-venture/#260941ec3f73

U.S. Olympian Apolo Ohno Exclusive HybridBlock Interview via Crypto Currency News: https://cryptocurrencynews.com/icos/ico-news/u-s-olympian-apolo-ohno-hybridblock/

Thanks again for your ongoing support of HybridBlock. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your community managers in our official Telegram group.

To better help the community, this post will guide you through the commonly asked questions about our upcoming Open Token Sale (OTS).

For more information about HybridBlock, please visit our official webpage. Also, make sure to join the Official Telegram community here.

— General Questions —

1) What is HybridBlock?
A: HybridBlock is the world’s most innovative trading and education platform for leveraging the disruptive technologies emerging from the blockchain space. It is an alternative for those who want to benefit from the explosive growth of cryptocurrencies without the high risk and complexity that accompanies digital asset trading. HybridBlock is simply the most efficient and effective way to participate.

2) Why HybridBlock is important?
A: HybridBlock solves three major inhibiting factors for mainstream adoption of cryptocurrency by introducing (1) A simple, professional and rewarding community-based education platform (2) Making users first cryptocurrency purchase as easy as online retail shopping (3) A reliable trading platform that performs at Wall Street trading standards.

3) Does HybridBlock have a whitepaper?
A: Yes, you can read the latest whitepaper here.

— Pre-Sale Information —

1) When will the pre-sale begin and end?
A: The pre-sale ended on February 28, 2018.

2) Will there be pre-sale bonuses?
A: Yes, pre-sale bonuses will be at a rate of $0.20USD per token (33% discount).

3) How do I participate in the pre-sale?
A: Please register here: https://register.hybridblock.io/ and we will be in contact after for next steps. Make sure to upload all required documentation to ensure a successful KYC. Note: we will contact you from admin@hybridblock.io, all other addresses may be fake and or a spam attempt. Please contact us if you are concerned.

4) Is there a contribution minimum for the pre-sale?
A: Yes, a $50,000USD minimum is required to participate in the pre-sale.

5) Is there an address I should send my contributions to?
A: We will provide necessary information after a registration is submitted. Please make sure the person you are dealing with has an official HybridBlock email address “@hybridblock.io”. If you are unsure, please message an admin on our official Telegram channel.

***NOTE*** — please make sure you do not send any contributions to addresses provided in private messages. We will NEVER contact you in this form. Please make sure to always message an admin if unsure.

— Open Token Sale Information —

1) When does the Open Token Sale start?
A: The public sale in May 23rd.

2) When does the Open Token Sale end?
A: The public sale ends on June 6th.

3) What will happen to all unsold tokens?
A: Unsold tokens will be burned.

4) What is the HybridBlock token symbol?
HybridBlock tokens (ticker: HYB) are the lifeblood of the HybridBlock ecosystem. HYBs are smart contract tokens built to the ERC20 token standard. They are necessary for discounted trading fees, utilizing the HybridFX network, and advanced HybridCentral content.

5) What will be the price per HYB token?
A: 1 HYB token = $0.30USD

6) What currencies can we contribute with?
A: You can contribute with BTC, ETH, and NCASH.

7) How will the price be determined? Will it be pegged?
A: The price will be accounted for at the time it hits the HybridBlock wallet.

8) What is the total token supply?
A: The total token supply will be 1,000,000,000 tokens.

9) What is the token allocation?
A: The token allocation will be:
53%: Pre-Sale and Open Token Sale
27%: Team and Advisors
20%: Marketing, Bounty and Strategic Partnerships

10) Are any countries restricted form participating?
A: Citizens of the US, Canada, New Zealand, and China may not contribute in the sale.

11) Will there be an airdrop or bounty program?
A) At this time, no official bounty program has been announced.

You can Register for the Airdrop here.

—Token Metrics —

1) Did HybridBlock receive any angel investments?
A) Yes, the team conducted an angel round in 2017 that raised approximately $8 million at an average token price of $0.10USD. These funds were used to fund product development and were set on a strict monthly vesting schedule. We are happy to say that HybridBlock is capitalized and a real business already.

2) Can you clarify the token economics for the project?
A) Originally, the hard cap of this sale was set to $100 million, which included a liquidity pool. However, after we made significant progress with the product, we decided to adjust that figure down. Thus, a new hard cap was set to $50 million.

With the adjustment, we still need to take into account strategic partners and a general buffer that is standard. We will only accept $50M total in contributions (this is set) and all remaining tokens will be burned following the hard cap target.

Maximum Possible Token Supply: 1 billion HYB

Angel Investments: Average Price $.10/HYB
Presale: $.20/HYB
OTS: $.30/HYB

Example Scenario: 230 million HYB would be sold if $40 million is raised through the pre-sale and $10 million raised through OTS.

Angel Lockup: 20% upfront and 10% per month
Pre-sale Lockup: 50% upfront and 10% per month

3) What will happen to unsold tokens?
A) Once the $50 million hardcap is reached, HybridBlock is planning to eliminate the remainder of the tokens not sold in the sale. For example, if 300m tokens are sold out of 532m, the remaining 232m tokens will be eliminated from the community pool. The corresponding percentage eliminated from the community pool will then be eliminated from the team and marketing pools as well.

This allows for the community to maintain the majority supply of tokens in circulation, while also reducing the number from the marketing/team pools.

