ART+NFT: One stop for your NFT artwork

Oct 21, 2021


Well if you are reading this article, you are so close to minting NFT for your artwork(can be an Image, Audio or Video) and you can use our ART+NFT platform.

Below mentioned 3 steps would help you to mint NFT on our platform.

The Homepage

STEP 1: Add your NFT metadata details.

Enter your NFT details

STEP 2: Make the payment from your Daedalus or Yoroi wallet. (Do read the instructions for better understanding)

Payment Screen

STEP 3: Minting will start and will be completed in 2–3 minutes.

Thank you.

[Note] Do follow our instructions on each steps to have a smooth experience.
We do all the heavy lifting for you to mint NFTs.

Visit our platform:

Cheers. Thanks.

