Update: Hydrominer Mining Portal, Facility Photos, H30 + More

4 min readMay 10, 2018


News Update Feb 5th, 2018

Today I would like to reiterate some things we announced yesterday and announce some additional developments. Yesterday we released some news and some photos of the mining portal on twitter and bitcointalk. We also touched upon some commonly asked questions about our progress on the set up of our 500 miners, the website, and our mining portal. Check it out and share it please!

ASIC Miners deployed in one of HydroMiner’s power stations in Lower Austria.


We have had some final meetings with the developers of the website and have asked them to make some last minute additions and changes, in order to ensure a functional and informative website for our users and prospective community members. We are now very happy with the result and excited to show you the beautiful new look. Together with the mining portal it will be available for our community and will be announced 24 hours prior the going live, on all of our social media platforms and in a newsletter.

Mining and Mining Portal

Our new website is almost ready and we will have the mining portal up and running on our servers by Wednesday. The software and design will have been finished at this point. The next step is to test the connection to the mining hardware and database to ensure full functionality and security, which is the most important issue here. To create a sage redeeming and buying process of the mining contracts. After this, the mining portal will be functional and ready-to-use by the general public.

HydroMiner in the Media

We are continuing our efforts in increasing visibility of HydroMiner among the general public as well as targeting our project progress to investors and investor groups. We have had a lot of success in the austrian TV landscape recently. Please find below the link to our interview on Servus TV:

https://www.servus.com/de/p/Der-Bitcoin-Hype/AA-1TSSZ6K3H1W12/HydroMiner is on view starting from minute 37:00.

The interviews are in German! On Monday February 12th, we have scheduled a radio interview with Radio Orange. Michael Marcovici will appear on the program at 10:00 am. If you speak German, please tune in.

As we increase our presence on the web, we are speaking with several news outlets about publishing articles relevant to our industry, aside from our press releases and news updates. We will continue to use our newsletter / medium for this, and we would like to ensure that HydroMiner’s values and principles are known in the community.
To maximize our reach, we will use our already established relationships and partnerships with these outlets. The content would include ideas and learnings ranging from green and sustainable energy, advances in data and mining infrastructure to best practices in blockchain project management. We are always happy to discuss these issues in our Telegram as well, so please join our group at t.me/hydrominer, if you haven’t already.

H3O- the upcoming Security Token

When we finish setting up the mining portal, H2O Token holders and new customers will be either able to put their H2O tokens to use or order mining contracts.
There will be as well the chance to whitelist for the presale of the H30 token. The H2O, as mentioned before, will not change in its usability.
But there will be the chance to change the H2O tokens into H3O tokens.

H3O will be a security token, which will provide you with the opportunity to grow your investment alongside HydroMiners growth in value. It will allow especially our early investors to benefit from this new kind of token which will grant rights similar to the traditional shareholders model.

Why will it benefit the H2O Tokens holders the most? Because they will get the best deal; a loyalty bonus. If they change their H2O Tokens they will get more H3O Tokens for this, at a better rate than new investors. There will be no minimum amount for changing H2O into H3O. h

We are excited to release more information about the H3O token with you as we complete the application for a capital market prospectus according to European financial law and more information becomes available for us to share with you.

The Presale will start soon, probably end of may, with a ticket size above 140,000.00 USD.

Our Mining Facility

Last but not least, we are very happy when we can present our mining facilities to our community. Unfortunately not everyone can make it to the site for a visit so we have arranged some high quality photos for everyone to take a look. Please find them below and share them with your friends who are interested.

We arrange visiting tours on a regular basis, if you would like to take part please send a request over the contact form of the website with your linkedIn profile attached. We will inform you then when the next tour happens.

ASIC Miners deployed in one of HydroMiner’s power stations in Lower Austria.

The “Ybbs” in Lower Austria is the river next to the power station, where HydroMiner draws its energy from.

Container with 1152 GPU cards.

Best regards from Vienna,


